The piles of disability – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

It never occurred to me or in my imagination to see him

Our free women are raped…

A feeling of helplessness, of disgust, a bushel of

Worries gnaw at the night…

What is happening makes us feel that life is not going like this

The inside of the earth is never better than its outside…

Standards of justice are flouted, values ​​are shaken and principles are neglected…

This war is without morality, without fraternity, without values.

A huge skid…

Scenes that make you feel sick and vomit

Your intestines suddenly…

Talking about consciousness is an obvious lie…

On women's rights, the discussions of the night fade into those of the day…

We saw a popular video of a girl being raped that they distributed…

Exchanging rape with deliberate, humiliating cruelty…

His cries hurt us and then struck our hearts…

They published it for more humiliation and subjugation…

To tell us how much of a coward you are

You will never be able to free her from our captivity…

We will repeat the ball many times, we don't care about you…

You are the help of the birds, if you can, come to us…

Take her out of the narrowness of captivity, humiliation and evil

The situation and the lack of help if your brotherhood revolts…

The wolves couldn't help but scream as she…

To suffer bitter humiliation…

Bleeding, restrictions, imposition of oppressive force and diseases

The turning point and destiny…

Screams that do not need translation are understandable in many languages

The whole world: O Mutasimah and Ghutha…

Ezz Al-Ghouth, it happened, it will happen

What happens and history will repeat itself…

The official falls into a deep sleep while…

These conditions violate the offers…

Who is responsible? Our women are being raped by circumstances?

This and who protects them…

Who will restore their honor violated by force…

Who will be able to restore their feelings and give them back their confidence…

Who is this Mutasim to lead the armies?

Who will repeat the story of chivalry, chivalry and chivalry?

As long as the situation does not remain the same, there is no relief…

The questions in our mail are all a shame to all of us…

We know the tragedies of rape that have occurred…

We know those who got pregnant and were sold

In the jungles of Africa…

And those who have been raped and are raped repeatedly…

And those who were raped and then mercilessly killed…

Isn't it time to take revenge on the traitors?

Waiting accumulates similar crimes and increases

On the frequency of these incidents…

This means a slow death, and pride dies with it…

Honor is wasted and the blood of their virgins is shed

It's broad daylight and no one…

Is high dignity safe from harm?

He only surrenders when blood flows from his sides…

If you don't, a new deformed generation will be born.

He carries endless grudges…

With feelings of rupture, absence and submission…

If we admit for the sake of argument that the video is tainted…

There are facts that have been documented without a doubt…

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