The Popular Resistance of the locality of Al-Dabba receives the commander of the Al-Dabba sector, Major General Adel Abdullah Muhammad

The Popular Resistance in the locality of Al-Dabba received yesterday morning, Saturday January 18, at its headquarters in the city of Al-Dabba, Major General/Adel Abdullah Muhammad Al-Hassan, commander of the sector of Al-Dabba, accompanied by the brigadier general. / Ahmed Hassan Al-Tayeb Hamida and a number of the two regimes and peoples.
Prominent among the recipients were the Chairman of the Supervisor of the Supreme Committee for Popular Resistance, the Chairman of the Security Committee and the Executive Director of Al-Dabbah, Mr. Muhammad Saber Muhammad Ahmed Kashkash, as well as the head of the Popular Committee. Resistance in the locality of Al-Dabbah, Mr. Azhari Al-Mubarak, members of the Popular Resistance, as well as leaders of the security and police authorities and the Chamber of Commerce, represented by its members.
Where His Excellency the Commander, Major General Adel Abdullah, met with official and popular security authorities at the Strategic Battalion Headquarters and held a meeting.
A welcoming and enlightening encounter.
The meeting included the executive director of Al-Dabba locality, the head of the committee, members of his committee and the popular resistance, Dr. Osama Suleiman, the deputy secretary general of the Sudan Scholars Association, the leaders of regular agencies, state and local chamber of commerce and popular women's resistance.
During the meeting, His Excellency the Major General discussed many current security issues related to securing the locality with all its geographical borders.
To celebrate the occasion, the Popular Resistance organized an elegant celebration at its headquarters in honor of receiving the Commander, Major General Adel Abdullah Muhammad Al-Hassan.
For his part, the Executive Director of Al-Dabbah Locality, Mr. Muhammad Saber, spoke, welcoming the Commander of the Military Region of Al-Dabbah Locality, Major General/Adel Abdullah Muhammad Al-Hassan, and expressing his joy during this celebration. from inside the headquarters of the Popular Resistance in Al-Dabbah, and welcoming His Excellency the Major General in this national mission for which he was carefully chosen and he is qualified for it, God willing.
Saber added in his speech that Al-Dabba locality represents a model of a miniature Sudan and that Al-Dabba local community is a united community that stands united behind the Sudanese armed forces with all its bases and administrative units, noting that Al-Dabba locality presented as martyrs for the good of the homeland and its security a number of its sons experienced in the armed forces, the last of whom was in the Al region -Tamam. He welcomed the popular resistance with all its components, including the Strategic Resistance. Brigades, the Free Lions Brigades and the Multaqa Battalions, and added that all these trials… The conspiracies only make us stronger.
For his part, the representative of the popular resistance, Mr. Othman Al-Omda, took the floor, greeting His Excellency the Major General, reiterating the era of popular resistance by supporting the armed forces until victory, denouncing the condemnations issued by certain circles towards the commander in chief of the armed forces, and that their objectives are known and will not be able to separate the people and the army.
Through his speech, Major General Adel Abdullah Muhammad Al-Hassan, commander of the Al-Dabbah sector, expressed his joy at the honorable presence of the population of Al-Dabbah, the armed forces and the Popular Resistance . The locality of Dabbah will be safe, God willing, and the northern state will not be attacked from its side, and will be the gateway from which the victories of all Sudan will emerge.
For his part, Dr. Osama Suleiman, Deputy Secretary General of the Sudan Scholars Association, spoke, recalling the month of Rahab, the month of Mi'raj, and added that the people of Al-Dabbah are lion, and we will not. let us betray the blood of the martyrs and we will support the armed forces until the liberation of Sudan.
Brigadier General / Abdel Nasser Ali Muhammad, commander of alert and popular resistance in the locality of Al-Dabba, also spoke, greeting the commander of the military region during his first visit to the strategic battalion , raising military honor and specifying the commitment and that they are at his disposal.
The Head of the State Chamber of Commerce and the representative of Al-Dabbah Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Ahmed Al-Muddathir, also spoke, greeting the leader and affirming that they are fully prepared to meet the needs of the popular resistance, describing Al-Dabbah as lucky because it had men of the same level of responsibility, led by its executive director, in addition to the leader of the popular bargaining and all the residents of Al-Dabbah who didn't have enough space to recall it.
It should be noted that the reception program began with a military ceremony, during which the ceremony was lifted by Brigadier General Abdel Nasser Ali Muhammad Taha, Commander of Mobilization and Popular Resistance, in the presence of a certain number of officers and soldiers.
It also included a number of official and popular speeches and some paragraphs
Including patriotic songs, jihadist songs and enthusiastic poetry.