The popular resistance of the locality of Umm Ramatah announces its support and assistance to the armed forces with more than one thousand five hundred mobilized ready to defeat the rebel militias of the region.

Professor Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State, confirmed that all the capabilities of the state are being harnessed to support and sustain the armed forces in their fight against the rebel terrorist militias.

The Caliph said during his meeting this afternoon at Barbak Guest House with the delegation of the Supreme Committee for Popular Resistance in the locality of Umm Ramta, headed by Professor Hamadtu Mukhtar, that all components of the White Nile participated in the armed forces on the occasion of its seventieth anniversary, fulfilling the slogan “We are all one army” in order to preserve the unity and entity of the nation and protect its achievements from mercenaries, agents and servants of the Arab diaspora.

The governor listened to a detailed report on the programs of the popular resistance in the locality of Umm Ramtah in terms of supporting the armed forces, especially since the locality witnesses skirmishes from time to time by the rebel militias. He reassured his sovereignty on the growing role played by the popular militia. The resistance in the locality of Umm Ramtah aspires and promised to remove all obstacles that its programs face in order to stop them. Joining forces with the armed forces to defeat the Janjaweed militias in the area.

In addition, Professor Abbas Abdel-Wahab Al-Sheikh, Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Armed Popular Resistance in the locality of Umm Ramta, confirmed that the locality with its various components is on an equal footing behind the armed forces and is a safety valve for the entire state, as it has seven training camps for gathering personnel. More than one thousand five hundred gathering soldiers have graduated, all ready under the command of the leadership of the 18th Infantry Division to support the homeland and defeat the rebels. militia in the north of the state

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