The priest, the city of Kosti, and the black cats – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein El Abidine, the lawyer

Chinese military planner (Sun Zao) said

In a context of psychological defeat…

The skill is to destroy the enemy's resistance without fighting…

A way to force the enemy to win and surrender…

Observations made over the last two days

This rebellious behavior indeed…

The dark rooms began to spread rumors at full speed

To serve its psychological objectives…

I watched the first video in the locality of Al-Qatina

Bahr Abyad State…

His Highness convened the intellectual forum in the presence of the rebellion

And some fools and traitors…

Those who carried out the duties of loyalty and obedience to the rebellion

They asked for protection and food…

Talk about justice, democracy and racism…

The height of absurdity, stupidity, wickedness and triviality…

They know that the rebellion is stealing their money and killing them…

They realize that he is captivating and raping their women…

Yesterday there was massive looting

In the locality of Al-Qatina before the rebellion…

Everywhere people go, people migrate to the military to keep themselves safe…

Speakers are not the heart of their home…

Neither their wives, nor their children, nor themselves, nor their loved ones…

They represent the highest level of filth and betrayal…

They are led by ambitions, driven by servility and humiliation…

And what disgusting, disgusting humiliation they inflicted on him…

How to treat those who sold their country and their honor…

He who offers the duties of loyalty and obedience to the enemy…

Once the battle is over, they will be brought to justice…

For their cooperation, understanding and agreement with the rebellion…

High treason is available, pillars are fixed..

Some of Nazir's treacherous sons practiced it…

Another video of the rebel thugs in their cars…

“Kosti Goh” encouraged them in unknown streets…

For reference, they are inside the city with their own…

A rumor destined for psychological defeat…

Enough to worry and scare his children out of the country…

These are unrealizable mirage wishes…

The rebellion continued to spread and fuel rumors…

He sets dates to sow despair and terror…

To overcome psychological defeat, to make it a reality…

Prepare yourself, prepare systematically.

He used media personalities, agents, mercenaries and means of payment

Huge sums of money for promotion…

To sow psychological defeat, to achieve one's goals…

Brainwashing and filling them with ideas and stories.

We need to develop mechanisms to combat…

By not authenticating, by copying, by pasting…

We may be defeated, but we must rise again…

Let's strengthen our strengths, build our capabilities and regain confidence…

People can sometimes feel psychologically defeated.

But he does not lose his dream of defeating the enemy and overcoming him…

The rebellion used this weapon through the media…

To make us feel frustrated, terrified and devastated…

Let us leave our cities, empty their souls, wander without His face…

If this happens, the candle of hope will go out…

The road to defeat and loss becomes clear…

We must fight rumors so that they do not tear us apart…

They said: We have brought down Sinnar, so the people left…

It is more beneficial to fight to protect the land, the honor, the child…

It's better to concentrate and die for the cause…

It is better to push the rebellion and protect the country and the people.

By teaching him a lesson he will never forget, just like what happened in Sennar…

Fleeing into the unknown makes us sad after the rumors…

Suspicion, doubt and the cries of black cats prove it…

Fake moans and hidden laughter predominate.

To confirm the psychological defeat described…

The question must be addressed in advance…

Lest it happens again under these circumstances…

Our hearts and souls are with the military when they fall ill.

And when he gets stronger…

When the regressor goes backwards and when he goes forwards…

When teeth meet and the bond is strong…

We rejoice in his joy, we feel sad in his sadness, we feel happy…

In a white sea, an army with unwavering determination…

It formed an impenetrable bulwark against the rebellion of three

Directions: east, north and west…

(The priest) always offers and will not keep anything…

Dressed as a prince, he goes to his destination…

The State is reassured and sleeps soundly…

For those who undermine the state and the hypocritical media..

For the dark forces that lurk in dank basements…

And those who spread rumors from time to time…

We will soon bring you to justice and your throats will be cut…

You and the rebellion were united by the belief that the matter was doomed…

These days, as you judge, you will be judged. You have one day…

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