The prophecy of Yasser Al-Atta has come true… and Atbara gives his testimony…!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

*It is not strange, nor is it a value-oriented industry, that the youth of Atbara receive the knightly leader (Yasser Al-Atta) in this warm and majestic gathering.* *What is constant in the nature of the Sudanese people is that they celebrate (without abandonment) all their symbolic sons who (honor) them with their sincere patriotic positions, and in fact they did so (Lieutenant General Yasser Al-Atta managed to write a “bright page” in the register of the military's heroism) The man continued to speak (with an eloquent tongue) full of the free will of our people, and even made it a “striking title” in all his statements to the media and in his (direct) speeches to the masses and military units of the country. (the battlefield), so it was surprising that he found this (high position) and this (spacious residence) in the hearts of the people and the fighters and that they gave him all this love and got used to (honesty and boldness), which are the correct expression of the Sudanese army with all its heroism, its great professionalism and the pedigree of its history… so how great is this of a bountiful harvest deserved by the leader Yasser Al-Atta..!!*.

* Atbara was as if she was waiting for the gift to be offered in his presence (a proud testimony) that he well deserved and which was inscribed in the national history between the covers of (his liberated book)… Thus this scene

The popular and effervescent Al-Atta came (confirming the prophecy) of Al-Atta on that day, while he was addressing (a popular gathering) in Atbara in the presence of (the governor of heedlessness) in dusty times, Amna Al-Makki. , and his speech was greeted with (unfavorable chants), but this did not bother him much, so he stopped speaking and responded to those who chanted against him. He said: (When I come to you next time, you will receive me better than this and you will excuse me..), and indeed, the reception of Al-Atta by Atbara in the last days was the (logical explanation) of his speech that day and the translation of his prophecy, and it brought him what he deserved from the (appreciation and gratitude) of his people for his stances witnessed in the battle..!!

*I do not know how was the condition of those who chanted (against him) and the state of this governor who imposed guardianship on me (by force), when they saw this (huge reception) of donation..?!! They certainly felt remorse because their reading of the man at that time was (miserable and unjust), or perhaps they recently understood that the Sudanese people know (how to show loyalty) to their national symbols, and (pour it abundantly) for them, just as the Atbara masses did against Al-Atta Fares (Al-Huba). Who does not fear in truth the blame of a blamer… I licked the heedless ruler and those who chanted (Loss), so neither heaven nor earth. wept for them, and the knight Yasser Al-Atta remained (great and proud) of the love of his people and his immortal positions..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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