The quote from Henry Kissinger the Jew… the title of American foreign policy…!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

The cynical Jewish former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told Egyptian journalist Mohamed Hassanein Heikal: (Don't talk to me about religion, history, values ​​and people… First there are American interests…!!) … And after him came Dr. Jerejian, the American diplomat, recorded a “dangerous confession” after the famous Algerian elections of the early 1990s, in which the Islamic Salvation Front won, but democracy was “aborted” in its infancy by a military coup. the reason for America's “complicity and silence” regarding what happened, he arrogantly declared: (If democracy conflicts with America's interests, then we prefer our own interests..!!)… There are many (imperfect) examples of America claiming leadership of what it calls (the free world)… Sudan's experiences with America are the best proof of this, and its invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan are close to memory. Successive American administrations will remain without “will” for as long. the Jewish lobby directs and “controls” its foreign policy to ensure the protection of the “myth” of Israel's so-called security..!!*

*America is struggling to calm down as it calls for an end to the war in Sudan, and it is in this (traveling) between several negotiating stations, seeing and hearing for over a year what the rebel militias are doing (crimes and corruption) on the ground, and the superpower does not dare to say (no to the rebellion). It refuses to classify it as a “terrorist organization”, and even tirelessly seeks to add more life to its “dirty life”… even though America (honest and just) had at least registered a “strong condemnation” of the rebel militia by seeing and hearing its bombing of civilians and its cold-blooded murders of women and children and its destruction of health facilities, at the same time America is meeting. the Sudanese delegation in Jeddah to discuss ways to stop the war… America does not say a word that confirms its (complicity) with the rebellion… so couldn't America have (prevented the rebellion) and those who support it from all over the border from continuing to unleash the war with weapons and mercenaries.?! But America will not do it because it is a partner, and if it appointed itself a mediator, it would stop it…!!

*Therefore, to enter into negotiations or bilateral meetings, all (conditions) of the government delegation must be (present) and not subject to compromises and half-measures, and the American mediator must not be allowed to enter through any (door or window) from which the delegation does not count… the result of the last meeting in Jeddah in which the government delegation recorded an (honorable) position for the people and the nation, it is considered an indicator (of well-being and strength) in the face of the conspiracy and its various parties, and the (clear truth) remains that the Geneva platform means nothing but an American (chignote) hiding behind it (deception and evasion) the decisions of Jeddah in favor of the rebellion, as we said before..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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