The race and conflict between the American states and China over Africa ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

Africa represents the only safe and attractive refuge in the world for international investments, given that it has become the center of energy sources and due to the resources it possesses, which translate into the acquisition of reserves following at the global level:
50% gold reserve.
30% uranium.
90% platinum.
6.6% natural gas.
In addition to being considered the largest supplier of agricultural products for coffee, cocoa and cotton…
Compared to the amount of money invested by the two countries, we see that the total investments of the United States of America in Africa amount to 90 billion dollars… while the total of Chinese investments amounts to 75 billion …
But China has surpassed the United States of America in foreign trade, as the trade volume reached 220 billion dollars, compared to 95 billion dollars, which is the total trade volume of the United States of America, and American trade therefore declined. in the recent period… Moreover, China, in a shrewd move, has worked to provide logistical support by adopting a locomotive plan connecting the countries of Africa, which costs 12 billion dollars… and this has consequences.
It is certain that African countries that have conscious national leaders who have prepared comprehensive national strategic plans…and who care about the well-being and happiness of their people will be able to use this competition to their advantage to the future…
As for African countries still caught in the web of local conflicts…they will dissolve and disappear in the future, as many African countries have adopted the Chinese style of development, including the country of Rwanda, which has adopted the Chinese development model. crossed… and the country of Ethiopia, which is about to emerge from the abyss of poverty and misery and move from an agricultural economy to an agricultural economy after building the infrastructure of roads and communications…and established industrial towns, which helped. to attract Chinese investment through the partnerships entrepreneurship portal, it managed to achieve a record growth rate of over 10%… as well as the State of Kenya, which started with railway lines between the new port of Mombasa and the capital, Nairobi… She founded a major industrial city and named it after a Chinese river (Shan Tong)… In the process of adopting the Chinese style of development, the countries of Senegal, Nigeria, Ghana and Zimbabwe, and the evidence is that policymakers in the United States are still grappling with the rootless stick mentality and wielding the stick of sanctions and embargoes….
Relations between the Chinese and Sudanese countries have a long history, with Sudan considered one of the first African countries to officially recognize the People's Republic of China in 1959 AD, thanks to an announcement by former Foreign Minister Muhammad . Khair. Relations have strengthened since the export of the first barrel of Sudanese oil to the international market in 1999, with China's interests linked to those of Sudan. Since then, China has paid great attention to Sudan, considering it as a country. one of Africa's countries of honor with which it maintains close relations. It is clear from the above that the existing economic relations between China and Sudan are not a result of the moment, but date back more than a decade. in 1997, when China first entered as a major partner in Sudanese oil projects after the withdrawal of the United States of America.
Observing the course of international events, we see that the Chinese state has for many decades shouldered the responsibility of leading the developing world as one of the largest developing countries and has no ambitions for hegemony but is governed by the principles of peaceful coexistence. and following the 2008 global recession, which hit the world's most vulnerable countries, the Chinese economy maintained its advanced status, recording a GDP growth rate of 9.5%, and China became an acceptable ally for Africans for several reasons. including:
1. China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
2. China has great economic potential that can help countries on the African continent.
3. It has modern technology through which it can contribute to strengthening African capacities
Teacher: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi.
May 23, 2024 AD
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