The Rapid Support Party and the People's Battle!! ✍️Bakri Al Madani See More

*One of the valuable advices we gave to the criminal Hemedti before his cursed war against the Sudanese people was to propose the formation of a political body in charge of public works and to include the Rapid Support Forces in the security arrangements for the Juba agreement, thus uniting everyone into one army and multiple political forces. In this, let the competitors compete, but Hemedti He has committed a mistake against this country and this people, a mistake that is difficult or impossible to correct by starting. again!!*

*For some time now, there have been reports of the formation of a group affiliated with the Rapid Support Militia, political organizations, formerly a party under the name of (African Democratic Party) from occupied Khartoum, and formerly an alliance on behalf of the civil forces in Addis Ababa*

*It is clear that the culture of support based on blood, fire and reconciliation under the tree makes them believe that it is possible, that return is allowed and that coexistence with people is achievable!!*

* Sudanese societies will no longer seek support, not only politically but even socially. People have discovered in the horror hour that the Imam of the Daami Mosque steals and that the preacher of God – the Daami – kills an unarmed citizen who is neither one nor the other. neither a politician nor a military man, but only Sudanese. People have discovered that the Daami have infiltrated the ranks. It is possible that the regular forces will betray the honor of the military, that the political leader will return to the pre-Islamic era and that the neighbor will betray, and the colleague and resident will conspire!!*

*People discovered at the beginning of the hour that their soul, honor and wealth are permitted according to what law, according to what religion and for what reason I do not know?! In the analysis of the soul, honor and wealth of the Sudanese Muslim, according to Al-Daami – Al-Jalabi, Zul Al-Jazira, Al-Azraq of Darfur, Al-Kardafi, Al-Nubawi, the resident of Sennar, the White Nile, resident of Bahr Abyad, Aroub and Al-Halabi the Copt in Omdurman or Khartoum!!*

*With all the atrocities going on, the pillars dream and strive to come back with new clothes – political or civilian, and they do not know that their simple return in souls is impossible – no colleagues, no friends, no neighbors, not even acquaintances*

*When we are encouraged to negotiate, we seek the least costly option and work with understanding with the lines of the state and the authorities to end the RSF war against the Sudanese people, but neither the state, nor the authorities, nor the entire world is able to give back support to the souls of the Sudanese*

*If support wants to exist in the lives of the Sudanese, then the only way to achieve it and the only way left for them is to use weapons and continue to occupy people's homes, steal their money, violate their honor and keep them forever under occupation – Qanqar – as they say – as for life and politics – may God open *- !!

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