The Reasons for Sudan's Freedom – A Whale's Spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*The armed conflict that has been taking place in Sudan since April 15, 2023 until now is primarily a political conflict with military tools represented by the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. This war began with the outbreak of the December 2018 revolution, where its slogans and chants at the same time carried the seeds of discord and devalued the value and status of the armed forces and rapid support, and slogans were chanted such as (It's okay, it's okay, we don't have). (an army, the military is in the barracks and the Janjaweed are disbanding). The position of the political forces has rapidly changed under the auspices of the head of the UN mission in Sudan, Volker Petris, and this mission, which arrived in Sudan at the direct request of the Prime Minister of the transitional government, Abdullah Hamdok, represents The entry of the UN mission in Sudan through Abdullah Hamdok represents more than 50% of the mission that was entrusted to Hamdok to light the fuse of the war in Sudan. This is not the case, while he is the spoiled boy of the West who dreams of becoming Secretary General of the United Nations to succeed Anthony Gutrich, and this position must have a price, and its price is the work and betrayal of his country and his mother. to implement the plan to destroy Sudan in this way*.

*Rapid Support was deceived by the Central Council of the Forces of Freedom and Change throughout the UAE, which worked to bring the views between the impudent and Rapid Support closer together, after the distance between them was like the distance between heaven and earth at its closest, which forced the commander of Rapid Support to take a solemn oath. He will not sit at the same table with insolent leaders because they consider him a mere guard, belittle him and describe him as an illiterate and ignorant person who runs and controls a country of educated people. As soon as the insolent woman found what she was looking for in the commander of Rapid Support, she climbed on his back and waged this war with him against the armed forces with premeditation and premeditation.

*It can be said that it was the shameless leaders who threatened the Sudanese people and the leaders of the armed forces to start war in Sudan if the framework agreement was not signed, and these recordings still exist as undeniable evidence. at all, because the threat started from the so-called Shawqi Abdel-Azim, Jaafar Hassan, Wagdi Saleh and another person from among the deniers of the Sudanese Congress, whose name did not come to mind at that time, and Maryam Al-. Sadiq Al-Siddiq, Abdul-Rahman Muhammad Ahmed, they sent their threats directly through the audiovisual, print and social media, and soon the war broke out a few hours after the failure to sign the framework agreement that was to be signed. be signed on April 11, 2023*.

*And not to go too far, the reasons for the current battle in Sudan, which the commander of the rapid support outlined in three points, are the restoration of democracy, the fight against the remnants and Kazan, the arrest of the commander … The head of the armed forces, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the sides of the triangle identified by Hemedti came out of the forces of freedom and change after being able to ensure that the rapid support is one of the implementation mechanisms to start the war, because they believe that the Khartoum war will end after a few hours, and if its duration is long, it does not exceed a day or two in their maximum estimates, especially since the current war in Sudan is the only war in the world that was started from a zero point within the General Command of the Armed Forces and occupied the Republican Palace, radio, television and many military institutions without firing a single shot, these institutions being under the control of the Rapid Support before the outbreak of the war. war*.

Half a fork

*The Armed Forces and Rapid Support will discover that they are nothing but military tools used by the Forces of Freedom and Change to settle political scores. The Forces of Freedom and Change will discover that they were the direct cause of the outbreak of the worst war that has ever existed. The African continent, if not the world, has ever witnessed it. Despite this, the Forces of Freedom and Change want to play the role of a gentle lamb, but the Sudanese people knew who was behind this war before it broke out.

A quarter of a fork

*Do not exhaust yourself to know who fired the first shot after knowing that the finger that presses the trigger of the war rifle in Sudan is that of the Forces of Freedom and Change, whose leaders are fleeing the hell of war*.

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