The record of the homeland and the veil of betrayal – the share is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I extend a sincere patriotic salute to all those who offer and make valuable and precious sacrifices for the sake of the soil of the homeland and to defend its land against the most ferocious global plan that has launched its attack on Sudan since its independence . It’s a campaign that’s flowing. its fangs with the help and assistance of our people who hide behind a wall claiming that through it they want to achieve democracy and a civil state, but they speak with their languages ​​what is not in their hearts, which do not bear kindness for Sudan and its people

The last mulberry leaves that covered their sides fell and they found themselves naked in front of all the Sudanese people. The Ethiopian conference revealed the extent of the conspiracy brewing against our homeland, Sudan. The people are the ones who shed crocodile tears over the country. the humanitarian conditions and the danger of famine that will hit the country of Sudan, through the reports of their suspicious and inhumane organizations, to finance this gathering, according to what they said, Travel News reported 2 million dollars paid by the European countries in 2017. in addition to the British GPG and American organizations, which provided the travel tickets, livelihood, internal deportations and hotel reservations, in addition to various items for the conference participants. Here is the horse link. Was all that money spent on genius. of these servants or to achieve peace after a war in which she suffered? The homeland and its people suffered in terms of suffering, violations of honor, killings, looting and the displacement of a citizen who lived in security.

No, by God, but the purpose of these gatherings is to create more discord and conflict so that Sudan does not enjoy the stability that moves it on the right path, which creates a strike force not at the level regionally, but at the global level. Therefore, their masters want more weakness and humiliation for our homeland, and they unfortunately use those who do not care. They have no choice but to please the outside world, and you find them rejoicing like fools in the world's praise. outside world, which certainly incites them to cause more destruction in Sudan.

The veil of their treachery will continue to blind their hearts, and they will be blinded by their tyranny, and on the path of error they will walk until they meet their inevitable death, followed by the prayers and curses of all those who were injured. or violated, or whose soul was lost, or whose honor was violated, or who was displaced, or whose property was stolen from our people, the people of Sudan, and you certainly know them, that they are the ones who are shameless, and the Janjaweed are on the same wavelength. Error scales are square.

As for the national register, the men wrote their names in letters of light. Some of them died as martyrs, and some were waiting for a wounded man or a mujahideen, and they didn't change anything, and you certainly know them as such. the heroes of our valiant army, the guerrillas of our regular services, and the distinguished among the mujahideen and muster men who responded to the call, O horse of God, mount, so there was a popular stampede By the army engineering. the popular resistance, which terrified a century-long march into the hearts of the rebels, including the brutal supporting forces and agents of the Bani Qaht, and before that, their masters, the evil state and the forces of global arrogance.

The people of Sudan, these intrigues, temptations and conspiracies will only increase their strength and strength to be like a strong building as a shield for the people and to defend the pure land of Sudan to cleanse it of all filth and abomination of the cursed devil. and to protect his proud people who deserve all the goodness.

Every time the sun rises in the morning, we have taken steps on the path to victory, which smells of musk. Our path is illuminated by the lanterns of the martyrs who lost their most precious lives and shed pure and innocent blood so that the flag of the homeland was not lowered. Others fought like lions, and they were rewarded with an injury, after which they returned with greater ferocity and strength, driven by the hope of catching up with those who preceded them on the path to martyrdom.

God bless you, my country, and rejoice, my nation, the nation of glory and of the ancient past. The hour of victory has come and the drums of celebration will soon sound, God willing, once the homeland is devoid of any guerrilla rebels. who is a traitor to the alliance and an agent who weaves them abroad and twists them into their shameless dwarf ropes.

We ask God for victory for the armed forces of our people, our regular services and the mujahideen. O God, accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, release the prisoners and return the departed safely to their families, O Lord of the worlds. .

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