(The Remains) Are Victorious for Their State – The Face of Truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

Since the war in Sudan, started by the rebels of the Rapid Support Forces, broke out with a failed coup, supported at the regional level… and supported by some Sudanese political forces in mid-April last year, under the banner of fighting against what remains, empowering democracy, and bypassing the 56th state in reference to the systems of government after the independence of Sudan, we have remained in. In the media, we scrutinize this vocabulary, concepts and expressions, and try to compare them with the trends and developments of the war. The proof is that these allegations quickly collapsed in the face of the oppressive behavior and practices of these rebel forces towards the civilian population of Sudan, and it was later revealed to us that these war slogans were part of the false and deceptive media machine that was invented by the rebellion and continued to operate with an astonishing honesty that is not accessible even to the truthful themselves, as our professor Dia al-Din Bilal says. We will return to this another time, but now let us move on to the idea of ​​the article… Who are the remnants who decided the battle and won for their state? Let me here define this term in the form revealed by the manifestations of this war since its outbreak in recent months where oppression, tyranny and death have spread mercilessly… so that some do not treat it according to its circumstances. ; While the rebel forces wanted it to be a global description that limited it exclusively to the supporters of the deposed president Omar al-Bashir, whose supporters turned against him and overthrew him before the street overthrew him… in a shame that does not suit him. the Islamist establishment, which continues to boast of its cohesion in the face of the challenges of penetration and institutionalization of its organizational decisions.

This term, overnight, included all the Sudanese people without exception. It became like a locomotive that carried everyone, or an umbrella or a tent, which extended all the Sudanese people with all its components, except for those who supported the rebellion and formed a political incubator for this purpose and still do. This term includes all the people who stood firm and confronted the machine of oppression and tyranny and stood before these new Tatars, the descendants of the Mongols of the diaspora, these colonialists who practiced a new jihad without thought or concern. the worst periods in the history of Sudan, these periods that remained marked; With all its pain and not forgotten; Despite the efforts of writers and intellectuals who worked to overcome it … the memory remained full of sadness and the soul had something like it … all the Sudanese people, between day and night, worsened in this war. They may have varied in the degree of harm and in the extent of pain, certainly with the exception of the supporters of these forces who remained… Their false neutrality, while they supported it in secret, were those who were waiting for the coffins of the Sudanese on the other side.

Despite this, let us be proud of our people, of what remains, after their sacred values ​​were violated, their wealth was plundered, they were displaced and their silks were sold on the slave market in the most horrible phenomenon of slavery observed in the modern era. , which awakened the conscience of humanity and demonstrated the horror of war in its highest manifestations and scourges. Here it rises again after these oppressed people led by whips were deprived of the most basic elements of a decent life and life, as well as curative treatment and sober education, because they are remnants. Yes, we all became remnants in the eyes of. these Mongols. We were equal in their eyes in crime and punishment. This is how the remnants of the dress were described. The size of each one, without exception … They did not even leave us room for negotiation, denial or compromise. ..even though their leaders were the greatest remnants according to their definition and understanding…and their blind ideas.

Greetings to you, our honorable people, as you line up among the processions of the remnants who began their sacred advance from where they did not expect, on this day when the commander of the army called on the head of state to take up his service. to come to the aid of your country. This is when popular resistance is born when it calls on the youth, the elderly and women to support the homeland and values ​​and to protect the land and honor … until. the situation changes … so very soon until the clear victory, O remnants, there will be a return to the houses whose people were hastily moved to the neighborhoods, cities and roads. Every day counts, and the house full of guests will bring back the smile to our homeland, Sudan. Every pain becomes a memory with the kind word, long live the homeland. O remnants returning from the fields in the dark, you are, as Mohieddin Fares said: Swarms of victims… workers… returning in the dark from factories, fields, shops and schools… have filled the road!! Their eyes are wounded, the valleys are full of sparks!! They whisper and murmur; Overwhelmed with worries; And painful wounds; We say that upon their return, good news and a clear victory await them. Yes, you are a hardworking people who know neither submission nor defeat.

O remnants, congratulations to you for this remnant that is unwavering in extravagant pride, with fear and certainty that knows no escape or half-measures. Congratulations to you for this victory whose signs are emerging and whose details are. little by little, your great national army was formed, which presented martyr after martyr without its will being broken and its channel softening. The remnants have proven that you are a people who refuse to be humiliated or subjugated and who know no solution. life mixed with a false vocabulary. That is why we have said it in the face of the truth: whoever knows the stubbornness of the Sudanese and their insistence on showing firmness and not breaking will not dare to enter into an open confrontation with them, with possibilities of uncertain consequences or ends.

The Sudanese people that we know and you know, you can put a kind word on their back and a little respect, but you will not be able to tear a smile from them while you insult them, much less violate their honor or violate it, steal from them and expel them from the safety of their homes, even if these homes are covered with mats and have a closet. Hababi is a minister without reason. He who understands the nature of the Sudanese does not dare to fight them. They are stubborn towards life and are proud of their wounds. Therefore, they will not negotiate, and if they do, the Jeddah agreement signed on May 11 last year will be the lowest of their ceilings, because it simply guarantees that they will leave their lives forever with the rebellion, its people and everyone. its blackmail and enslavement.

They are like this, my family and my tribe, the people of Sudan. If they want war, they will go through it without fear or calculation. And if they want peace, they will not settle for anything other than a senseless peace that would not bring them back to war. They do not know half-solutions or sweet possibilities. They do not know half-victory or half-defeat. They also always invoke popular memory with their new proverbs: “Fire is for fire.” Therefore, now we can say that the remnants are victorious for their state of glory, determination and pride. Remember, beloved, the remnants of the entire people and not a part of the people, as the rebellion wanted and as they wanted. the destinies of history will continue.

May you always be well.

Wednesday September 25, 2024

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