The role of local organizations in national action (We Are All Sudan Organization for Sustainable Development) as a model ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

National organizations or civil society organizations play an effective role in serving society and the state in times of peace, war and disasters in general.

We all know that public and voluntary work is hard work that no human being can endure unless God has given him this characteristic, which is patience and endurance, which may be at the expense of your comfort and that of your family. through his work in various organizations, he is in continuous work situations throughout the day, morning and evening, and the work may require traveling from one state to another, it requires patience and determination.

Due to the importance of the role of service organizations, international service organizations have been established to collect funds from countries, philanthropists and the rich for the benefit of citizens of poor countries in times of disasters such as floods, torrents, rains, famines, epidemics and others.

But unfortunately, in recent years, major countries have misused these voluntary organizations, causing them to lose their core mission, which is to help the needy and those in need. Some countries have linked their support to political and intelligence interests, which has resulted in them being unable to act. has emptied these global organizations of their content and made them a threat to countries and governments, which has led targeted countries to doubt their integrity and the intentions of these organizations that have abandoned their voluntary work to practice intelligence and security in order to implement the agenda of those who support the countries.

The practice of these external organizations in the role of blackmail and their abandonment of their fundamental and voluntary mission of serving the needy have made the targeted countries unwilling to cooperate with them for security reasons. Thus, these organizations have lost their credibility and neutrality and have gone out of the group. the extent of their role in public service.

We have noticed here in Sudan, in recent years, a decrease in the number of national organizations that played an effective role in serving society and the state. This is due to the war conditions that had a major impact on their work. have lost their working tools, such as vehicles, mobiles and furniture, and their houses and documents have been vandalized, but some of these organizations have not despaired and have continued to struggle to serve the citizens and have returned to voluntary work, despite the possibilities, to serve the citizen and the nation in these disastrous circumstances that the Sudanese people are going through, including forced displacement, homelessness and lack of the simplest necessities of life.

The voluntary and charitable work of these organizations, and in these critical circumstances that the country is going through, makes us take our hats off in thanks, appreciation, loyalty and gratitude for their valuable efforts in the service of the people of this country.

He who does not thank people does not thank God. From this point of view, it was necessary for us to praise these organizations and salute their efforts, because we believe in their great pioneering role in serving the citizen and the nation in these difficult circumstances. in order to encourage others to enter this field and support these voluntary organizations so that they continue their work in all parts of the world, Qatar is a service to the people of this country, and until other local organizations find support and support to continue. their work in the service of society and the state in the absence of foreign organizations that have deliberately hidden themselves in order to serve the agendas of their country and have forgotten their voluntary and humanitarian role in serving citizens around the world.

Through this space, we delve today into one of those organizations that have played a leading role in serving society, namely (We Are All Sudan Organization for Sustainable Development), which has had clear footprints in humanitarian work in the country.

It is considered an organization

A non-profit organization that aims to promote sustainable development in Sudan through local and global partnerships in the interest of a civilized, cohesive and productive Sudanese society, in addition to the possibility of achieving a renaissance of development in Sudan through community building from the bottom up (building from the bottom up) and relying on local materials according to the capacities of each region and its assets.

The organization aims to develop, build and improve the way of life in the countryside and cities of Sudan by adopting noble community values ​​by mobilizing various energies to achieve sustainable development throughout Sudan.

The organization has sectors, goals, organizational structures and projects that it works on in all the different states of Sudan, from the neighborhood, through the village, the administrative unit, to the local, to the state, and then to the federal executive office, which combines strategic planning, building legal structures and project management.

The initiative was registered as a voluntary work organization in Khartoum State and can operate in all states.

The credit for this initiative and the establishment of the organization goes to Dr. Nahid Abdel-Latif Qasim, who is considered one of the founders of this entity and the head of the initiative, then a generous group of people joined him and shared the idea and foundation with it to spread throughout Sudan to bring joy to faces and smiles to lips through development and reconstruction, capacity building and sharpening determination.

The overall strategic objective of the organization is to build and develop the human way of life in the countryside and cities of Sudan by adopting the noble values ​​of the society by mobilizing various energies to achieve sustainable development.

Regarding international relations and partnerships, the organization adopts the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals 2030) and the African Agenda 2063 as authentic goals that it seeks to implement and works hard in coordination and partnership with United Nations agencies and the African Union in this regard, as permitted by the State Law and the Humanitarian Aid Commission regulations regulating voluntary work in Sudan.

The sustainable development sectors have been divided into several sections and their objectives fall under the sector of peace, law, justice and strong institutions which aim to contribute to the strengthening of legislative frameworks and work to achieve justice and the highest values ​​of the rule of law, the preservation of the prestige of the State and the dissemination of legal culture among societies, as well as the sector of humanitarian efforts and the eradication of poverty and hunger. Responding to social needs and promoting global well-being through humanitarian efforts, with an emphasis on social justice and sustainable development, and providing timely humanitarian assistance.

There is the culture, media and public relations sector, which aims to develop the media industry in order to achieve economic contribution, diversify media work and establish a positive mental image of Sudan at the local, regional and global levels.

In the field of culture, the organization promoted the values ​​of individual and collective thinking and took advantage of Sudanese cultural diversity in order to achieve peaceful coexistence and build a unified national identity.

As for the health sector, it aims to provide distinguished health, regulatory and supervisory services while applying international quality standards in the management of health infrastructure and the health system in an innovative and sustainable manner that ensures the protection and health of society in accordance with vital laws and regulations. governance frameworks.

During the Eid al-Adha period last year, the organization implemented many different projects in a number of states, such as the Eid Smile program, through which children were circumcised in a number of shelters. The organization now has a project called Bio Gas, which involves producing cooking gas from animal excrement, this project has found praise and support from various sectors of society. The organization is now looking to implement a home farming program to benefit from the spaces of the house, from which the family will benefit financially and economically after providing for themselves and selling the surplus on the market.

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