The role of popular resistance in resource development – scattered fragments – ✍️ Zulnurain Nasr al-Din al-Lawyer

🌴 The Northern State is a promising state in all areas of investment, with the apparent and hidden resources and wealth bestowed upon it by God.
Popular resistance, in its civilian aspect, addresses the deep and intentional economic imbalances resulting from this war.
The resistance expects roles in the development and development of society, including the roles played by youth and women as a major economic force that must be harnessed to develop the state economically and motivate youth to innovate, create and innovate in various fields.
The state is endowed with a coherent demographic structure and has reliable geographical boundaries in the areas of investment, trade and the opening of global markets for products after converting them into industrial products with a comparative advantage.
In light of the war, the migration of the population to the state was reflected in large numbers, and citizens and financiers felt the enormous capabilities of the state in all areas, especially the infrastructure of people, climate, land, water and investment climate laws.
Popular resistance, in its civil aspect, envisages the major future roles that await it in the mobilization of society and the development of its capacities for optimal exploitation of resources in coordination with the competent government institutions.
The popular resistance will adopt, in coordination with the government, the holding of workshops, the presentation of working documents, the formation of field supervision interfaces to prepare feasibility studies of productive projects, the facilitation of the necessary financing by through institutions and financial funds in proportion to the project, and monitoring implementation and evaluation until the project bears fruit.
Seek agreements with technical and technical training organizations and introduce production mechanisms and small factories to transform the raw product into manufacturing industries with comparative advantage and quality for export, and training and qualification to operate factories with distinction for a certain number of interested parties. groups.
The resistance also expects the role of surveillance and security and the immediate notification of those who speculate in currencies, because these people are more dangerous for the citizen than those who carry weapons, because they are carried out behind the international conspiracy against the homeland and the citizen and threaten. national security.
The resistance is not armed or military just so as not to confuse the issue for some. The rebellion and its supporters have turned to alternative plans, which are the economic and social war against the citizen, and everyone must preserve the capabilities of the country with consciousness and awareness of the defeat of the Zionist-Masonic project on the country.
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