The role of the General Administration of Retired Services in supporting police personnel affected by floods and rains in the Northern State ✍️ Department of Mr. Abdel Wahab

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

✍️ Deputy Pensioner of the Police Department, Mr. Abdul Wahab

He was inaugurated this afternoon as the head of the Northern State Police, under the auspices of His Excellency Major General of Police Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Al-Amin, Director of the Northern State Police, in the presence of His Excellency Brigadier General Kamal Al-Din. Muhammad Othman, Director of the Public Affairs Department, Directors of Departments, Major of Police Malik Muhammad Al-Hassan, Director of the Administration of State Retirees, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers, including those in service and on pension, food supplies (flour, sugar, rice, lentils and oil) were delivered to retired police officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, which were sent by the General Administration of Retirees Services to its state employees, affected by the recent floods and rains that swept the state, the Director of the Northern State Police praised the great work that the General Administration of Retirees Services is doing with its employees by providing a helping hand and assistance to this brilliant constellation, whose donation is important. continues even while they are retired, it is in establishing security with their colleagues in service, and as the Director of the State Public Affairs Department said, appreciating the role of the General Administration of Retirement Services, stressing that this support came in honor of these men who spent their youth in police work and who deserve this and much more. The Director of the State Retirement Department confirmed that the support is part of the humanitarian duty towards those affected and their financial and moral support. in light of the circumstances the country is going through.

This basket and the speech of my Excellencies had a good impact on the souls of the retirees, despite the great damage caused to their homes, and their expressions of thanks and praise are full of thanks and praise to all the officials of this former police administration and its Director General, His Excellency the First Lieutenant General of the Police, Dr. Khaled Hassan Mohieddin Al-Mahi, who pays great attention to the pension segment of the police forces in all regions of the country.

Indeed, the General Administration of Retired Services, under the leadership of His Excellency Major General Abdel Fattah Othman Mohamed Ahmed of the Police, has begun to provide a helping hand and assistance to its retired officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, and this was not the first message. It was preceded by other assistance to widows and orphans, as well as social contributions in the event of marriage, death and illness, and we bear witness to this. Despite its recent creation, it was born with its teeth and successfully fulfills its role. complete sincerity and honesty

This basket even included those who came from outside the state, including officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, because of this cursed war. They were affected by these floods and rains, and they took part in them, which confirms the relentlessness of this administration on its employees wherever they are, to ease the burden of the situation weighing on them.

Salute all the retired leaders of our leaders, gentlemen, officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, who sacrificed their youth in the service of this country, and also salute all the police personnel serving in all parts of the country as they carry out their duties. their security and national duty and in the War of Dignity with all professionalism and firmness. Salute our armed and security forces and the mobilized as they strive to cleanse the country of… This oppressive militia has desecrated forgiveness and mercy for the martyrs. , the healing of the wounded and the return of the lost

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