The rumor of the release of the refinery… disappointed those who heard it..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas

*It is not important whether the rumor about the completion of (the release of the refinery) is true or false, or whether it precedes the official announcement, the more important thing is that whoever started it be proven that he was (par excellence stupid), and that there is no room in it for an intelligence even of the size of (this poor man came from where he does not know ( a great service) so that international and regional opinion knows it clearly). (firm loyalty) in the hearts of the Sudanese people towards their army and the interconnection between their (pulse) and their breathing and their steps with the pulse and their breathing and (the steps of their steps) of each officer and soldier who compose it , which is considered (the most luxurious public good) enjoyed by the army. And then all the pretensions of the “traitors” of the sons and daughters of the nation will be abandoned, and all their dreams that they sought to create (the impossible). the division) between the people and the army to facilitate them (the conspiracy to dismantle them) will collapse, as their (demons) told them… The idiot who spread the rumor will receive (a heavy share) inside. the meaning of the (sacred bond) between the Sudanese people and their army, and I think he is now biting his fingers with remorse, and I doubt that he has been given a part of remorse, that human feeling which well sure is not accessible to the demons of man..!!*

*The people's reaction to their army is not new. It is a natural behavior (rooted in it) and extends throughout national history with its popular revolutions and its military coups, and during the “battles” led by the army, and the example the closest (living example) is the liberation of Heglig and how Khartoum caught fire in what looks like an “uprising”, which is (He chants the victory of the army, and it is the same “latent feeling” in the hearts of the people, as he follows the details of the “Battle of Dignity”, the firmness of the army and its military tactics (amazing) to any observer, and he waits with fervent desire that the army announces the completion of the “crushing and annihilation” of the rebellion!!

*And there was no (bright joy) yesterday among the people in all cities of Sudan and outside following the impact of the news or rumor of the release of the (dirt) refinery of the militia), except (a surge) of this patriotic feeling towards the army, and its officers and soldiers increased (pride and determination) with this cohesion between them and the people, and I entrusted to them as soon as possible “the accomplishment of victory”… What to do. I wonder what the fools (the delusional tremors) will say when they see their goods “expired” and worthy of being thrown into the nearest trash can… How miserable you are, you addicted to lies and rumors. .!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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