The rumor refutation room in Al-Matama launches National Day activities – the last treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayed

Under the slogan of the session “One Homeland” and under the patronage of Mr. Mubarak Fadl Idris, Executive Director of the locality of Al-Mattama

The media room to debunk rumors in the locality of Matama, in cooperation with the military media of the 3rd Infantry Division and the Union of Poets of Matama, organized a grand celebration at the Abu Talih Theater in Matama, honored by the presence of the Minister's representative. of Culture, Information and Communications of the Nile and the Director of State Media, Mr. Fath al-Rahman al-Ghattas.

Professor Issam Issa, deputy executive director of the locality of Al-Mattama, Major Dr. Hisham Al-Sheikh, representative of the leadership of the 3rd Infantry Division, members of the local security committee, the head of the Authority to Combat Terrorism and Organized Crime, and a number of executive and media leaders, symbols of popular resistance and civil administrations of the local community.

The event was inaugurated by Mr. Fath al-Rahman al-Ghattas, representative of the Nile Minister of Culture, Information and Communications and Director of the State General Information Administration.

Addressing the event, Al-Ghattas praised the appreciated efforts of the official media in the suite and supporting media across the media room to refute rumors that the media message was presented with professionalism and a great patriotic spirit to support and advocate for the event. valiant armed forces in the war of national dignity, sending greetings and appreciation to Mr. Mustafa Al-Sharif, Deputy Governor of the Nile and Minister of Culture, Information and Communications, and blessings for the qualitative initiative which aims to instill national dignity. the national spirit in sectors of society in application of the slogan: All its parts have a homeland.

Along the same lines, the price

Mr. Issam Issa, Deputy Executive Director of Al-Mattama locality, presented the distinguished national initiatives of the Media Chamber to support and assist the armed forces and popular resistance, and announced his support for national activities and programs during the coming period. of the slogan “Sharing is a homeland”.

Furthermore, Mr. Yasser Al-Khazain, head of the media room responsible for refuting rumors in Al-Muttam, confirmed that the organization of this celebration with the competent authorities aimed to renew and boost the morale of the honorable people in collaboration with the great Victories in the areas of military operations in Al-Jili and in the theaters of operations, sacrifice and redemption throughout the country, Al-Khazain gave good news of a certain number of national initiatives and activities with the 3rd Infantry Division Military Media Command and Military Media Command. Abu Talih military garrison, emphasizing that everyone's eternal motto is one people, one army.

The event saw the participation of the Moral Orientation Team of the Third Infantry Division, the poets of Matama and Dasaad, and the creativity of the student troop and the scout troop, in the presentation of shows highlighting local heritage and heritage features. of the population of eastern Sudan, the Darfur region and northern Al-Azza.

In recognition of the great efforts made in the past, the Chamber of Media honored numerous official, community and media organizations for their support in the success of the committee's programs during the previous stage.

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