The Security and Intelligence Service in Shindi… breathes a sigh of relief – Course – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

When a person breathes a sigh of relief, it is a sign of (relief), especially if a problem has been solved, or a cloud of sadness has lifted, or anxiety has cleared, or a crisis has been resolved.

The sigh is a long breath that comes out of the chest, from the bottom to the top, and from there the expression (sigh) can come. It expresses what we mentioned above, which is actually an indicator of relief.

Since the outbreak of the war in April last year, the Shindi Security and Intelligence Service has been working day and night continuously to secure the locality and, as a result, has extended this assurance to secure the state and the rest of the regions of Sudan. Because Shendi is on the (contact) side of the war, close to Khartoum, this has increased the (burden) of the task and its (difficulty), which is certainly a disadvantage to the members of the apparatus who have put their family and social program on open (leave) and (suspension) their academic, professional, even social ambitions for (a time), and this time is unknown, and the duration is unknown whether it will be short or long.

Rather, they deliberately (imprisoned) their creativity and talents and (sealed) what they enjoyed of delicious food, soft beds, cold water and wounds, with (the key and the key), and their eyes yearned for the taste of sleep, traces of fatigue appeared on their eyelids and eyelids, and the body became thin, yearning for hours of rest and a nap.

All this in order to protect the country and every citizen from the harm of any enemy or intruder.

For more than fifteen months or a little more, the security apparatus has been in a state of struggle and difficulty to protect the country in coordination with the rest of the regular forces, fighting against enemies, the fifth column, sleeper cells, and negative phenomena, monitoring trade and market movements, monitoring currency speculation, counterfeiting operations and smuggling operations to prevent any economic war, which can be a support for the enemy and a support for him and for those who covet the country, and an invitation to non-humanitarian organizations to set foot in this country, which is like a “fox” that always appears in the clothes of our preachers to enter the “poison” without “fat” and be an artery of “death.” instead of being… A lifeline.

But it seems that the Shindi Security and Intelligence Service has breathed a sigh of relief, that the worry has subsided and the sadness has dissipated, and that the security circle has expanded so that these partnerships with the community are once again a support and Yesterday was the first of these partnerships after the war with the Department of Health in the locality of Shendi in the campaign to combat disease vectors and promote a healthy environment. And participation in human and in-kind support, which was considered one of the most important. the shortcomings suffered by the Department of Health in implementing its program, including the obvious lack of cars and human force, so that the department expands and covers the largest area of ​​the locality, which extends from Khartoum to Al-Damer, and whose borders touch the states of Kassala and Gedaref.

The partnership that the Security and Intelligence Service has with the local health department is part of social and health security, and therefore national security and economic security, because humans are the basic and primary element of the security and production process. and must be healthy and free from disease, even if the security apparatus is fighting armies of flies and mosquitoes. This can sometimes be more important than fighting the Janjaweed and their collaborators.

The opening of the Security Service to partnerships and their implementation with the Health Department of Shendi locality and with the Association of Media Professionals from Khartoum, as well as other partnerships, undoubtedly confirm that the Security and Intelligence Service of Shindi has breathed a sigh of relief.

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