The security apparatus under the microscope – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

The security apparatus was not happy with him after the revolution

December in front of the shameless and those who follow them…

They took advantage of this to break it and loosen its gears…

Change the law, exclude arrest, search…

This continued to create a state of hostility, hatred and injustice.

Very eager to make room for fantasy novels…

There are incidents in which there have been clear violations…

With individual behavior that does not express his overall vision…

Neither its general plan nor its governing law…

After the revolution, the intention was to destroy the apparatus…

He left him idle, his task was to collect information…

A foreign intelligence penetration has occurred…

The country has become open to manipulation by traitors.

Shortly after the war, his powers were restored…

For the purpose of carrying out the missions assigned to it by law…

These and other circumstances have necessitated…

Eyes blink, whisper, listen to promote a goal…

Imagine a dark reality where violation…

People chanted: “Be careful, jinn.”

They presented the martyrs, the Operations Authority advanced…

The device is working properly…

Complies with the law and avoids breaking it…

To retrace my steps, to draw a new identical line…

At the head of the device is a man known for his rigor…

He does not tolerate injustice, evil or violation of the law.

The device targets many faces and shapes…

And the enemies, apparent and hidden…

The privileged team drove the device to complete satisfaction…

And the phrase (Amen, djinn) is a singing bride…

They wrote it on their floats, decorating it with approval…

This struck terror into the hearts of the enemies…

The agency's employees took to the battle lines.

Some of them are dead, and some are waiting…

A bright image that infuriates evil hatred…

The verse was reversed and their efforts to destroy it were defeated…

A citizen was martyred in Kassala, may God have mercy on him…

The accused are some of the agency's employees…

The difference between individual politics and institutional politics…

This behavior is extremely regrettable and condemnable…

Remarkably, the agency was quick to lift the immunity…

He did not hesitate to negotiate with Oydawar but delivered them…

For investigation procedures in a transparent and uninterrupted manner…

The ball is in the court of the judicial authorities to decide…

Exploiting the incident to distort the device is unacceptable

Its objectives are known, the same characteristics and similarities…

Because it is individual and does not represent agency policy…

The country is experiencing an unprecedented state of liquidity…

And his employees must know that they are being targeted…

They must act according to the letter of the law…

The honorable photo came after suffering…

Several parties paint a dark and distorted picture…

The same plots against him are repeated to bring about his downfall…

The device is still in the center of the microscope, they are plotting against it…

For its destruction, the disappearance of its fragrance and the setting of its sun…

Because it is an insurmountable obstacle that prevents the uprooting and destruction…

He has illuminated the darkness so that he will not be oppressed or tormented…

He applies the texts with professionalism and professionalism…

May God curse those who stir up sedition and exploit it…

The one who set up the funeral room led the group's line…

They are doing this in Kassala to sow discord among the people

The State and the citizens…

Their agendas concern themselves rather than the interests of the nation.

Beating the tambourines, to sing of their suspicious night…

And lift up the shirt of our master Othman, and that's all…

The martyr was buried peacefully, may God accept it…

For justice to be done to the killer so that he can be punished…

I picked up the pens and dried the newspapers…

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