The Security Committee in Shendi…(Thus do We reward the doers of good) – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

The Nile Governor may be arriving very late in his visit to the town of Shendi, but better late than never.

The visit, which took place on Wednesday, appears to have taken place in a manner (rain without sun), without prior agreement, sufficiently in advance, and that it arrived in a hurry, as if it were a question of preparing an order, anticipating an order, or being in execution of an order.

It seems that the governor of the Nile, Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed, realized the great importance that the locality of Shendi represents in relation to the other localities of the state, even the locality of Al-Matma, which is adjacent to it and separates it from Shendi (the Nile strip).

Shendi is of great importance to the security of the state and to the security of Sudan as a whole, and the establishment of security in Shendi has national connotations and no one understands its significance with the magnitude and efforts made by the security committee in the locality of Shendi, except those who know the importance of security and know its great dimensions and effects, even if the governor limited his visit to the security committee only and leaving aside the rest of the reports from other departments, the impact of the commission. the visit would have been deeper. It is better than before.

The great efforts made by the Security Committee cannot be appreciated by the (verbal) praise of the governor, nor by the (textual) praise of the government secretariat, nor by a financial incentive paid by the finance according to the usual procedures.

But one fact remains that the security committee has managed to establish security in a locality adjacent to the site of the war. Indeed, the state and the rest of Sudan are threatened by the chaos and fluidity of the security situation. The Shendi node is collapsing and it is bearing the security situation that weighs on it from the states of Khartoum, Al-Jazeera, Gedaref, Kassala, the North, the Red Sea and North Kordofan. All these states intersect in one way or another. Shendi, which increases the security burden on them in a way that is unprecedented in the history of the locality, the state and Sudan.

And the high density of irrigation on the local movement, trade and transportation of goods and merchandise from Shendi to the rest of the states of Sudan, and the issue is followed with extreme precision so that this commercial movement does not benefit (on the surface) the people and (internally) the financial and logistical support to the rebel militia. Or an economic war could increase the burden of the Security Committee.

This limited number of members of the Shindi Security Committee, who sit permanently, whether in person or as ambassadors, without being limited by time, place or the particular circumstances experienced by the members of this committee, wish to put their experience in maintaining the security of the locality, the security of the state and the security of Sudan as a whole, in the documentation of the journey and the success story. Because this security experience is unprecedented and in line with the challenges it faces, the Security Committee was able, despite its small number and limited capacity, to present an unprecedented model of security operations that transcended local and state boundaries and extended to the whole of Sudan.

Many people do not know that the security situation enjoyed by citizens in the rest of the cities and localities of the state, whether in Atbara, Al-Damar, Berber, Abu Hamad, Al-Beheira and in the rest of the different cities of Sudan, is the basis of this security is the great effort made by the locality of Shendi because it represents the first line of defense.

Governor of the Nile, who enjoys security with his government, speaks at forums and conferences, inspects projects and moves easily from one locality to another without major security measures and without precautions or fears, Shindi has a major role in the movement of the wheel of work in the state, and the great efforts and multiple achievements in the various fields are a matter of pride. With the pride and appreciation of the federal government, the Shendi security committee has a great share and credit for what the state is proud of. of and for what he expresses as a badge on his chest or on his neck, the security of his (neck), (chest) and the rest of his (body) depends on this work and the hard work put in by the security committee.

Yes, the reports that the Governor of the Nile heard from the various departments of the locality of Shendi, especially in the fields of agriculture, health, education, social affairs, engineering, youth, sports, media and even financial administration, and he praised them and magnified their role, are a true expression of the security situation and an oral testimony of the extent of the security zones in a locality initially threatened.

If those who fast, are patient and forgive people, their reward is with God without measure, then this security committee that leads the work in Shendi, then its reward from the state and federal authorities is supposed to be without measure, because the citizens The leaders of the locality, the state and the Sudanese people all know the magnitude of these security threats and the great challenges they face, as well as the terrible scenes that people have experienced in different parts of Sudan as a result of the disaster. loss of security and the resulting killings, robberies, looting, rape, displacement, humiliation and indignities. The state of security that the locality of Shendi and the rest of the state and Sudan enjoy, because Shendi is the first line of defense, so everyone knows the situation. The Security Committee expresses its greetings and gratitude to the members of the Security Committee and to all those working in security and search operations, in the outposts, at the front sites, inside the city and in the administrative units.

Salutations to them. Originally, the companions of (two eyes): one eye that cried out for fear of God and one eye that remained awake and guarded for the love of God.

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