The Security Council.. Sudan's complaint against the Emirates – beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*The UAE is a partner in all crimes and atrocities of the Rapid Support Militia, and the resulting international accountability, in accordance with the provisions of international law*

*UAE aggression represents a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the Charter of the League of Arab States and Security Council resolutions*

*Any decision of the Council preserves the right of Sudan to re-raise the complaint, at any time, on the basis of new data or without it.*

*Sudan could resort to the International Criminal Court, like South Africa's complaint against Israel*

*Documenting the arrival of American weapons in the militia guarantees the expansion of the complaint and the inclusion of America*

The UN Security Council is expected to hold an emergency session tomorrow Monday, in response to the request of the Permanent Mission of Sudan to the United Nations, to discuss the UAE's aggression against Sudan and hold it legally and criminally responsible for the crimes they commit. against the Sudanese people. Sudan's permanent representative to the United Nations was Ambassador Al-Harith Idris. He sent an urgent message to Security Council President Vanessa Fraser calling for an emergency session of the Council to discuss the UAE's aggression. against the Sudanese people, and the supply of weapons and equipment to the terrorist militia, which makes the UAE a partner in all crimes and atrocities committed by the Rapid Support Militia, and the international responsibility that this entails in accordance with the provisions of international law. , and the aggressive behavior of the United Arab Emirates represents a blatant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the Charter of the League of Arab States and the Security Council resolutions concerning the Darfur region, in particular resolution 1591 and other relevant resolutions.

The request stated that the UAE is partner in all crimes committed by the militia, including but not limited to attacks on state headquarters and official infrastructure, alliance with foreign elements to wage war against the state, taking hostages, destroying civilian aircraft, attacking hospitals and health facilities and storming civilian towns, places of worship and citizens' homes, looting citizens' property, steal private cars and banks, target service centers and electricity, water and communication stations, attack safe cities and loot markets with the aim of paralyzing the economy, to attack the headquarters of diplomatic missions and UN accommodation centers and to arbitrarily arrest 8,000 citizens. Detained in detention centers, enforced disappearances, crimes of rape, sexual violence, crimes amounting to ethnic genocide, war crimes, commission of crimes. relating to the crimes of terrorism, forced displacement, liquidation of prisoners of war and interference with the harvest of the agricultural season with the aim of exposing civilians to starvation)

The request referred to the ambassador's March 29, 2024 letter to the Security Council, which contained 43 pages containing evidence, documents and facts that were monitored and confirmed the UAE's involvement in the aggression against Sudan, including satellite images of Umm Djeres airport. , the names and types of aircraft, and its weapons load, the report of the committee of experts, the report of the Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee, the investigative reports published by the main Western newspapers (The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The Guardian, Reuters, etc.), seized weapons obtained on the ground and in militia warehouses, whether Emirati-made or imported (armored vehicles, Kornet missiles, Javelin missiles, launchers and tons of ammunition), in addition to providing private aircraft for the transportation of militia leader Hemedti, his aides and allies, and granting them a visa, a place of residence, free accommodation and meals, and building the vision of the militia and its allies in regional and international forums,

The UAE has, of course, denied its involvement in the war against Sudan and its support for the Rapid Support Militia, and is working to form a lobby of support in the corridors of the Security Council, with the aim of aborting the complaint. aware of the serious damage he suffered simply by holding a Council session to examine Sudan's claim, on top of that, condemning, drawing attention to or taking the decision to form an international commission of inquiry would be disastrous for him , with the possibility of accusing him of violating Security Council resolutions, in particular resolution 1591, and subjecting him to the sanctions contained therein.

Sudanese public opinion, despite its observations on the performance of the Security Council, notably in its handling of the Israeli war against Gaza, and the support of America, Britain and France against any resolution condemning the Israeli aggression, and despite the Council's modest expectations of commitment to international law in this regard, consideration of the complaint may result in at least a decision to investigate the allegation, and any decision by the Council that preserves the right of Sudan to re-raise the complaint based on any new data after documenting the presence of US arms guarantees. expand the complaint to include America, especially if it colludes with the Emirates, and it also gives Sudan the right to asylum at the International Criminal Court, especially after South Africa's complaint and obtaining of a decision condemning Israel by the International Court of Justice. America has blocked the release of any Security Council resolution,

April 28, 2024 AD

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