The Shackles of Slavery – in Reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, Lawyer

Last April, before a council meeting was held

Security to examine a complaint filed by our country…

Against the United Arab Emirates because they finance and support the war

Rebellion in the current war…

The complaint was submitted with evidence and facts.

Britain changed the course of the session to include another soldier…

To discuss the situation in El Fasher and the country in general…

Britain is considered the penholder of our country…

She has the right to raise any issue she deems appropriate

The UN Security Council, in this regard…

She left us absent and refused to discuss the complaint.

Presented by us and discussed on another subject…

He managed to prevent the UAE from being convicted despite the evidence…

She prevented pressure from being applied to her with the palm of her hand.

On supporting the rebellion…

She has been lax in preventing him from interfering in our internal affairs…

Western powers toe the line of support for the United Arab Emirates…

To prevent her from being placed in the dock to be judged…

And the resulting distortion of its image…

She is afraid for her and tries to make her look better…

Put it in the category of values, morals and principles.

She fears that compensation will be paid to our country…

Following a war in which she was bitten all the way to the soles of her feet…

This puts the rebellion and the army on the same wavelength…

She hopes that this war will be resolved (in her favor)…

Yesterday, Britain called the Council to meet…

To allow UN forces to enter the country…

The pretext: to enter the rescue, to protect civilians…

We have not received any support from China, Russia, etc.

Raj about the veto is not true…

The story of betrayal and the use of mirages…

We need to revisit this pen holder story.

Britain is not interested in our affairs in the Council…

To demolish what we build and prevent our advanced defenses…

He supports our enemies and follows in the footsteps of evil…

Britain is working firmly against our interests…

We must reject him or choose another side with him…

It is necessary to consult him before paying for any project…

This is the weakest belief in these circumstances…

Because she is not morally qualified to carry our pen…

Unfortunately, we are still slaves to the humiliation of slavery…

Because he presents and initiates our affairs to the Council…

As if we had no legal capacity to reverse the trend…

We still follow these people and are treated like slaves…

They steal our will, our will, they lead us like vermin…

You discuss our issues without consulting us with arrogance…

We must break the chains we are stuck in…

Let's get up from the hole and get out of the basements…

Acceptance is humiliation and wounds do not die in pain…

The plot features are complete. They have destroyed our country…

The United Nations is proceeding with the beginning of a conspiracy…

One of its committees recommended banning weapons

The entry of UN forces to protect civilians…

What's wrong with their intention to interfere in our affairs…

All forces entering the country are a legitimate target…

War is fought with weapons and diplomacy

Losing is expensive…

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