The siege of the city of El Fasher, a war crime that demands accountability – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The city of El Fasher is witnessing a horrific humanitarian catastrophe resulting from a severe siege imposed by armed militias affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces. This siege, which endangers the lives of civilians by starving them and depriving them of the right to life, constitutes a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and a war crime that demands accountability.

Details of the crime include the stifling siege imposed by armed militias on the town of El Fasher for more than two months, isolating the town from its surroundings and erecting barriers preventing the entry and exit of civilians and aid. humanitarian. of food, medicine and fuel, causing their prices to rise insanely. Electricity was also cut and water and sanitation services were lacking, exacerbating the suffering of civilians.

The city was subjected to indiscriminate shelling by militias, which resulted in the death and injury of dozens of civilians and the destruction of homes and vital facilities, including hospitals and schools. Camps for displaced people have not been spared from bombings and attacks. has prompted thousands of people to flee again in search of safety, and militias have resorted to recruiting children under the age of fifteen to fight in their ranks, which constitutes a flagrant violation of children's rights and of the Geneva Conventions.

The catastrophic effects have caused a humanitarian crisis. Civilians in El Fasher face a stifling humanitarian crisis, as they suffer from malnutrition, disease and lack of health care. Thousands of civilians were forced to flee the city in search of safety. has exacerbated the population displacement crisis in the region. Civilians in El Fasher live in constant fear and terror due to indiscriminate bombings and armed attacks.

As media professionals, we must place full responsibility for these heinous crimes on armed militias, who have violated international humanitarian law and human rights laws in the most horrific manner, and we demand that the perpetrators of these crimes are held accountable. take decisive action to hold the perpetrators of these crimes accountable and ensure that they do not escape punishment. The international community must put pressure on the militias to immediately lift the siege on the town of El Fasher and provide humanitarian aid to save the lives of civilians. The international community must take serious measures to protect civilians in Darfur from the oppression of militias and armed groups, and guarantee their safety and security.

What is happening in El Fasher is not just a humanitarian crisis, but rather a war crime that requires urgent international intervention. The international community must shoulder its responsibilities and put an end to these heinous crimes, ensure that those responsible are held accountable and obtain justice for the victims.

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