The sincere and urgent call to build a Sudan that welcomes everyone ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

Good governance means adopting programs that can raise awareness of the importance of adopting the norms of citizenship and peaceful coexistence in a state of law, justice and equality among all components of society, once this damn war is over, the importance of unity and pluralism, strength in diversity and working with diligence and love must be emphasized. Peace for a healthy Sudanese society in order to establish and build a true homeland in a modern civil state that welcomes everyone without exception or exclusion.

In this stage that Sudan is going through, there should be a call between the various components to revive the spirit of nationalism and defend the values ​​of patriotism and belonging. I hope that this will be guaranteed in the future in all of these programs, whether in general or higher education, and preach the concepts of unity in diversity and conduct solid scientific research that reinforces this as a source of strength for society and not the other way around, and rejects allegations of discrimination, fragmentation, and hateful racism. History testifies over previous generations that, since time immemorial, despite the weakness of communication capacities and means and the low level of dissemination of education, the society has remained cohesive and lived in peace. Thanks to its various components and characteristics, it enjoyed security and safety in every region, and a high degree of tolerance, purity, and recovery prevailed in sophisticated civilized behavior. What the Sudanese people need most is a national consensus on the constants that represent the common denominator. between all components of Sudanese society, and through which it can be achieved. A consensual national project is crystallizing, which can represent a lifeline towards voluntary unity and security. Finally, this country belongs to all of us, and we have the power. the right to live in a better future that resembles our dreams and ambitions and expresses our identity, values, morals and education. We will protect and build it together with efforts, efforts, donations and sacrifices.

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