The situation of the water crisis in Sudan in the light of the Sixth Arab Water Forum – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Ing Salah Ghariba.

The water crisis is considered one of the most pressing challenges facing the Arab region, including Sudan. The Sixth Arab Water Forum highlighted this complex crisis, exacerbated by multiple and intersecting factors, such as climate change, population growth, mismanagement of water resources and regional conflicts. In the case of Sudan, this crisis is rooted in a long history of drought and flooding, and has been exacerbated in recent years by the construction of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which has affected Sudan and Egypt’s share of the Nile water.

The root causes of the water crisis in Sudan are represented by climate change, which has led to an increase in the severity of droughts and floods, which has negatively affected agriculture and livestock, which are the two main sectors of the Sudanese economy. rapid population growth, which increases the demand for water for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes, and suffers from a lack of investment in water infrastructure and poor groundwater management, which leads to a deterioration in water quality and an increase in conflicts. in Sudan have led to the destruction of water infrastructure and population displacement, which has exacerbated the water crisis. The Ethiopian Renaissance Dam poses a threat, as it affects… On the Sudanese share of the Nile water, threatening agriculture and energy. and economic development.

The effects of the crisis on food insecurity. Water shortages lead to reduced agricultural production, which threatens Sudan’s food security and leads to increased food prices. Water shortages push people to move and migrate in search of water and food sources. which leads to an exacerbation of social and economic problems, and can lead to competition for limited water resources leads to conflicts between local communities, and poor management of water resources leads to environmental degradation, such as desertification and soil salinization.

The Sixth Arab Water Forum provided an important platform for the exchange of experiences and knowledge on water resources management in the Arab region. It highlighted the importance of regional cooperation in addressing water challenges and stressed the need to adopt innovative and sustainable solutions.

Solving the water crisis in Sudan within the framework of regional cooperation. Sudan should strengthen its cooperation with the Nile Basin countries to resolve the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam issue and reach a fair and equitable agreement to share the Nile waters. The Sudanese government should invest in water infrastructure. Sudanese society should encourage farmers to adopt sustainable farming methods that reduce water consumption, such as rain-fed agriculture, vertical farming and drip irrigation. Also, be sensitized on the importance of rationalizing water consumption, water conservation methods, and support research and development in the field and develop new technologies for desalination and water reuse.

The water crisis in Sudan is a major challenge, but it is not impossible to solve. Through regional cooperation, investment in infrastructure, and community awareness, Sudan can overcome this crisis and ensure water and food security for its citizens.

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