The sound of empty utensils and problem solving – the session is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I send a national salute to all those who have adorned the skies of my country with the bright and honorable epics of my countrymen who have formed an image that generations can be proud of as they sacrifice their lives and lives for religion and homeland so that Sudan can enjoy stability and security, preserving its ancient and authentic identity which has placed it at the forefront of nations.
Today we are talking about the small evil state of Zionism and countries with global arrogance, which are spreading their poison on our country by all means, using deception and tricks after Sudan filed an official complaint against him in the Security Council, and so Britain intervened. to obstruct it within the framework of its common interests which bind it to the bad State.
The creation of the Sudan Festival in the heart of the evil state is a dance on the body parts and blood they caused during their outbreak of war when they used the Hemedti terrorist rebel militia, who raped and violated honor, stole property and took lives. This militia was supported by a shameless political arm that travels the world and licks the shoes of countries to beautify it.
They plot and deceive by appearing in the guise of a fox disguised as supportive preachers, but God's will and plan is stronger, so the spirit of this crusher was seized and mourning was declared, thus destroying the festival of blood and body parts with which they wanted to beautify their appearance before the world. Is it useful to beautify an old witch whose ugliness has reached the highest levels? Is it the state of the evil state that continues to fuel war and trigger conflicts in the homeland? Falsely and falsely claiming to support and stand with Sudan in its ordeal.
Sudan is protected by the Lord of the worlds and the prayers of the faithful worshipers of the mosques, and every plan and plan will be destroyed in its rock. The most powerful weapon we have is prayer, which is destructive of any plan made. destroy the stability of our country and erase the identity of our people.
We heard from the army delegation on Friday. From the first day of this cursed war, the people of national conscience among the people of my country have fully authorized the army because it is the safety valve and the protector of the land and honor. as well as all our regular services and the mujahideen who participate in the defense of the nation's achievements.
Our position has been clearly stated towards the evil state, pending the implementation of the rest of the measures such as the severance of relations, the expulsion of the ambassador and the cessation of all commercial relations, in particularly that of gold, with a State which has shown itself to be hostile and discreet. supported the aggression against our land and our people.
The tools of evil that this state uses among our compatriots are shameless militias and agents. They are empty vessels with no value other than making noise, but they and the militias come from here. Don't talk about stopping the war from the outside. Fear of air. To stop him, if there is even a hint of patriotism, which you certainly do not possess, because you are the one who sold him. homeland at a low price in exchange for a meal, accommodation and a small amount of expenses. As for virility, it is non-existent for you because you support those who harm the honor of your family, and why not, you are their defenders. of homosexuality whose representatives have not escaped you in all your conferences and workshops held in Addis, Nairobi or elsewhere.
The Evil State Festival will not be the final arrow in the overall plan to destroy Sudan. It was preceded by the Addis meeting, during which the memorandum of understanding was signed between the brazen and brutal support, then the Kenya workshops and the Paris conference. so the targeting will continue, but we affirm that the determination of the Sudanese people will be a rock on which any conspiracy or measure will be destroyed, God willing.
The country has honorable people who will continue to defend it to the last of them. After that, our graves will be destroyed, but not the sanctuary he claimed.
I conclude that the speech of the mother of the martyr Dr. Al-Naim is an eloquent lesson in patriotism and bestows upon the soil of the country the highest dignity, without which a person has no value.
We ask God for victory and conquest for our armed forces, our regular services and the mujahideen. May God accept the martyrs. May God free the captives from the prisoners and restore the missing. from you comes the answer, O Lord of the worlds.
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