The State of Mauritius is a masterpiece of Africa ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

Mauritius is a small African country that offers free education up to the end of university level. This includes transporting students from their homes to their schools at the expense of the state. In Mauritius, education is a service provided free of charge by the state to the citizen and not a product for sale.

Mauritius provides free treatment and health care to all its citizens including even expensive heart surgeries and there is no trader in the health of the citizens.

As for home ownership, did you know that 90% of Mauritian citizens live in homes that they own and that there are no families being displaced or complaining about the high price of land and building materials?

The per capita income in Mauritius has reached $19,600, and they are not proud of having the highest income in Africa. The Republic of Mauritius is considered the richest country in Africa, even though it does not have natural resources, neither oil nor minerals. It rather depends on man, then agriculture, and the export of agricultural products once produced is a tourism. exceptional source of income for this country.

Military spending falls within the budget margin and actual spending on health, education and services.

President of Mauritius “Dr. Amina Gurib-Fakim ​​​​​​is a scientist with a PhD in organic chemistry and she said: “The politician chose me and I did not choose her.”

Dr. Amina Gurib-Fakim ​​has written more than 20 books and 8 research articles in biology around the world.

Muslims are considered a minority in the Republic of Mauritius, where they represent only 17% of the citizens. Despite this, the people chose a Muslim president because it is a society that coexists in peace and is not governed by religious hatreds.

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