The strength of medical supplies in the face of storms bears fruit for the citizen and the nation – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

The National Medical Supplies Fund is a building that everyone knows for the great services it provides to this people in times of peace and war. Through its performance, it contributes to achieving pharmaceutical security, which has attracted the attention of the State. Its strategic importance has attracted praise and appreciation from different sectors of society and state leaders.

After the outbreak of this war, this strategic facility was targeted by the Rapid Support militia, which invaded the Khartoum site, burned its stores, looted its medicines and destroyed a large part of its offices, furniture, equipment and devices. The advantages and positive points are that Medical Supplies has established branches in the states (Rotary Medicine), which were established by the late Dr. Mandour Al Mahdi, after he took over the management of this establishment, which has now played an effective role during the period of this war in providing medicines and medical supplies to various public facilities, which has helped to fill the lack of medicines in the country thanks to the efforts of the Federal Minister of Health, Dr. Haitham Muhammad Ibrahim, and the Director General of Medical Supplies, Dr. Badr al-Din al-Jazouli and some workers continue their work in the Fund's branches in the states by fulfilling the burden of storing and distributing medicines, which is reflected in the provision of medicines of all kinds at low cost. prices within reach given the exorbitant price of medicines in the country.

Good Supplies, this giant edifice, has been struggling for a long time for its survival. It has waged and still wages fierce wars and fierce conspiracies of the drug mafia, whose only concern is profit and the suffering of others. Thanks to the stance of its workers against these projects, the medical supplies have remained large, impervious to any obstacle, and have continued to grow and be reborn until they have become an unsurpassable number in the state and in the health sector.

In light of this war currently raging in the country, medical supplies have become an internal and external target of the drug mafia, which is seen as an opportunity to seize them. The militia and its agents systematically and deliberately, including the theft of medicines and sabotage of medical and electrical equipment, medical supplies and buildings in line with the external plan to sabotage and destroy vital and strategic facilities of the Sudanese Doctors Network and some. The organizations reported that the losses of medical supplies amounted to $512 million.

The targeting of medical supplies is due to their strategic importance to the state in providing medical security, and the project of destroying and dissolving medical supplies is not new. This has happened many times in previous years, when they were subjected to privatization attacks, but the union. and the position of the workers at that time, in a strong and solid position, alongside the loyal people of the country, including the two constitutions and civil servants, spoiled this malicious plan. There were many attempts by the drug mafia to destroy it. some influential people, but they all failed and the medical supplies came back stronger than they were. On the contrary, they developed and were accompanied by global technological and technological development in the storage, preservation and supply of medicines and medical supplies sold at low prices within the reach of everyone. the citizen, who made this possible. I have the international ISO certificate, which is considered a collar of honor on the chest of the workers of this vital facility.

The plan to destroy medical supplies is an old plan, not a new one, implemented by the drug mafia.

And who helps it, since medical supplies are considered an obstacle to its profits, because they provide medicines at low prices, which encourages citizens to turn to it, because it is the only recourse of the helpless citizen to buy his medicines in the face of the insane increase in the prices of medicines, especially for chronic diseases that require taking them constantly and that medical supplies provide at affordable prices.

For the sake of the welfare of citizens, especially the sick, medical supplies have opened a window for citizens to receive their requests for rare medicines that are not available in Sudan, so that they are brought to them specifically from abroad. A telephone number for supplies has also been distributed. through websites, social networks and media to receive inquiries from citizens and patients about medicines and their prices.

Medical supplies have not stopped providing only medicines and medical supplies, but have continued their pioneering role in serving citizens by providing various epidemic medicines that they provide every year in huge quantities as a precautionary measure in case of a sudden epidemic occurring in the country at any time, whether in the autumn season (malaria – diarrhea – Corella – Typhoid) or in the summer (meningeal) and the private sector, as a lucrative sector, cannot provide them on the pretext that these medicines are likely to be destroyed in the event of an epidemic does not occur because they expire and can cause losses, which is why they do not provide them, which the state alone bears here, represented by medical supplies, in order to preserve the public safety of citizens.

All these achievements and the enormous development that medical supplies are experiencing in order to serve the citizen and the country have made medical supplies the subject of constant targeting by envious people and entities and companies that consider them as a reason for their loss and lack of profits in the pharmaceutical trade.

Today, in light of the ongoing war in the country, medical supplies are subjected to the same previous attacks to stop their progress and activity, but this time with external planning and internal implementation, which requires state intervention to restore and save this strategic facility that provides low-cost medicines within reach in view of the obscene prices of various medicines practiced by the drug mafia and bag traffickers through smuggling.

We do not want to anticipate events, we will wait until the end of the war, which is only a matter of time, and see what procedures and methods will be followed for the return of medical supplies to their normal state. time, each situation has an article and each recent event.

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