The Struggle Between East and West for Sudan – Between the Lines – ✍️ Zulnurain Nasr al-Din al-Lawyer

Sudan is the only country in the world that is full of all kinds of resources, a gift from God and a choice, while many countries pay billions of dollars just for clean water or clean air, and this is ours (in both countries) Everything that is happening now is not from this global conflict, because the two blocs of the East and the West are fighting for us as if we were outside the Earth, or as if we were creatures that did not reach the level of humanity. humanity or citizenship. Rights and freedoms are being taken away with suspension of execution.
All visits and contacts of heads of state, intelligence services and efforts of organizations do not go beyond the scope of conquering our capabilities, led by America and its allies in the region, to reach the decision-making center through the only agents who carry the power. membership card on the ground as (Sudanese) When they were unable to penetrate the national fabric, they resorted to seduction, courtship and cajoling to help silence the condemnations and stop the bleeding in exchange (for a gentle look) and stay away from the Eastern axis led by Russia, which is also greedy for our goods, this axis is more honest and loyal than the tyrannical axis of the West, and we must begin to build a military alliance and economic cooperation with Russia, China, Korea, Iran. , Turkey and India.
What happened to us and what is still happening is due to complete American planning and international incitement. The Sudanese people responded with all merit and courage, being patient with what happened to them for the sake of (the homeland). The plan to invade the colonies was a purely national decision.
Recent diplomatic developments signify the failure of the first option and the search for options more consistent with the language of the court and an implicit admission of the defeat of Plan (A). The government must go ahead with the commitments and engagements of the East. focus and build long-term strategic alliances in all areas. American promises and temptations are like dreams (of a marriage proposal), but they quickly turn into dreams. There is an irrevocable divorce, and experiences lead to a pure national decision.