The student movement in Sudanese universities – an important declaration

* In the name of God, the most graceful, the most merciful *

* The Republic of Sudan *

* Student movement in Sudanese universities *

* M. / President of the Sudanese sovereign council *

* The first team, Abdel Fattah al -burhan Abdul Rahman, may God protect him *

* Peace be upon you and the mercy and the blessings of all-powerful God *

* Subject: the decision of the Minister of Higher Education to return Sudanese universities to practice their activities inside *


Praise to God, Hamad Al -Shakrin, and prayers and peace are on the most honorable messengers, our Master Muhammad and his family and his companions.

Greetings and fragmentation of the Sudanese armed forces, joint forces, enlightened forces and security services, when they attracted the walk in the history of the Sudanese nation, they won them and made them in letters of light with successive victories, the last of which is the return of the Republican Palace, which represents the symbol and the Sovereignty. Hammam.

Greetings to the Saberian people, who responded to their armed forces and the Allied forces, greeting with the best of them, “support”, gratitude and gratitude. The greeting of the student movement group inside and outside the country, and it is patient with the bitterness of war and displacement, which supports its armed forces as an enlightened and effective segment which knows and is aware of the size of the challenges with which the country has been confronted with the light of this devastating war and the systematic ruin that the rebellious militia has targeted public establishments Part in particular in state belief and capacities.

Despite the size of the big targeting, and despite the fate of the damned war, a certain number of estimation of the student movement mobilized with the armed forces, “of the country’s menstruation and a fight for the category of prostitutes with its internal and external culture and its countries which support the rebellious militia at the level of the Sudanese armed forces.

Perhaps What I have elaborate on the Student Movement and the War of Dignity is Almost Completing Its Second Year that the minister of Higher Education and its governmental and private universities have Become on itself to contribute effectively to the war of dignity, so the education market Universities at Home and Abroad, Which Was a Cold and Peace Be Upon the Sudanese Families who Suffered the Scourge of This War Lost “To their sources of Instructions and Looting” for their Property, Homes and Rape “for their bristles, so those who have been moved inside Sudan and immigrated to them Sudan, but despite all the bitterness, they wrapped their conscience of their armed forces and their leader, who translated by people wrapping the sovereign council sins wherever he went to celebrate it as a symbol of the symbols of the pride of the Sudanese country.

The student movement appreciates the victories obtained by the Sudanese armed forces and asks God that the battle of dignity achieves his objectives and his completion with an overwhelming victory and attached to the rebellious militia and that security and stability in our country will be achieved.

Despite the evaluation of the crowd of male and female students, the victories have been obtained, the Minister of Higher Education’s decision to return universities to the country and the regularity of urban education instead of electronic appearance at this stage despite the victories of our armed forces is not a previous urgent decision, but rather an uncompromising decision in which no consideration has been made for the security of men and women who cannot have objectives weak. All the basic structures of universities as well as “for the bitter conditions that Sudanese families suffer in the country and abroad that have lost everything.

Consequently, we appeal to the President of the Council of Sovereignty and his estimated advice to intervene to protect the education process of such urgent and wise decisions and to direct the Ministry of Higher Education to begin “at the age of universities and to prepare them to receive the crowd of students after security and stability in the country, and at that time, the school process should continue to prohibit and outside”

As long as your victories are on me of your standard and the Sudanese people.

* The Sudanese student movement inside and outside Sudan *

March 23, 2025

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