The Sudanese Army and the Geneva Farce – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

We begin by raising our hands and presenting signs of victory in salute, honor and appreciation to our armed forces as they celebrate the seventieth anniversary of their leadership (not establishment). A Sudanese soldier, he and his leadership teams, from all countries. sons of Sudan, have placed the daughters of a national army that fights to this day in the name of one Sudan and guards its leaders, without distinction of sex or color, and presents martyr after martyr in every part of this pure land that. has been defiled by the feet of mercenary invaders who came with the knowledge and support of some helpless people of the country, devoid of reason and religion….

This army, with this greatness and history, some try to attack it and outbid it, and even put it in the category of similarity and resemblance with the category of armies whose leaders were trained and still are, and comparing it and even putting it in the same category as a militia that everyone knows that, since its creation, it has adopted murder, pillage, plunder and rape as a style and method in its wars wherever it is…

It is also an irony of fate and an injustice of time that the United States, led by the thoughts of a part of the Sudanese people devoid of reason, religion and patriotism, sought to bring this army and even lead it to a negotiating table in Geneva, to make them sit on one side of a table on the other side of which sit people like Majok, who does not even know how to give a military salute, much less… Be the leader of a military faction!!!

What a farce and what a bad reputation the Sudanese army has come out with by refusing to participate in the Geneva platform…

Majok (which is the name of a type of cow among the northerners that is brought from South Sudan to be slaughtered at specific times and from which the worst types of meat come out) was greeted by Al Jazeera Mubasher last night as he hung around Geneva representing the Rapid Support militia in today's negotiations… He opened his mouth like an idiot and was eager to get an answer to the question from the professional presenter of the show that besieged him when he said their forces controlled about ninety percent of Sudan's territory…

I asked him why they went to Geneva and elsewhere to try to stop the war and bring relief, when you alone are in charge, and more than 25 million people live in the places you control, and they are the ones who are complaining about hunger and famine now??

The man opened his mouth like an idiot, as I have already mentioned, and began to dodge, but the professionalism of the program presenter and the producer (and here we recognize the role and professionalism of some Al Jazeera journalists) did not leave the man room to escape and escape, and his private parts were exposed as well as the private parts of all those who make allegations that the army is preventing the arrival of aid…

We thank the army and the government of Sudan for adopting a position of rejection and not participating in this far-fetched platform, and we expect decisive action in the next short period so that these repeated violations committed by the criminals and terrorists of the Rapid Support Forces cease militarily or through an agreement that will honor all the Sudanese people and eliminate the nightmare called militias, mercenaries and bandits, existing and potential….

May God help everyone

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