The Sudanese army imposes its control on the ground and reassures souls – the last treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

The military victories and the sudden and surprising attack carried out in recent days by the Sudanese armed forces against the rapid support militia and its mercenaries both in Khartoum and in the various states have demonstrated to the world the extent of the force available the Sudanese army. Armed Forces and the high skills of its leaders and individuals, which has been a cause of confusion for the members of the Rapid Support Militia and its mercenaries on the ground and in their locations, which has prevented them from carrying out operations panic to help everyone. The plan adopted by the armed forces was considered a genius plan that helped expand their control on the ground.

This scene amazed the world and military experts who continued to follow these victories on LCD screens and in various media, praising the Sudanese Armed Forces. Some of them declared to the international media this admiration and superiority which characterizes the Sudanese army.

The victories achieved by the Sudanese Armed Forces against the Rapid Support Militia during these days also silenced the rebellion's media, which spread its poison and misled and fabricated information to intimidate citizens and frustrate them in the face. to the inability of the armed forces to confront and defeat them, but the armed forces, with patience, tactics and combat skill, proved them wrong and attacked them suddenly. A blitzkrieg led to their defeat and flight in the field and various military axes, which is considered the best. last stage of the battle, which is (the cleansing stage).

This promising situation of victories has brought citizens inside and outside Sudan to follow this fight and these battles every moment because their success is linked to their return to their homes and the return of security and peace. stability in the country.

In the light of these advances in the combat theaters of the armed forces against the Rapid Support Militia, and through these field data, we will witness in the coming days the liberation of the areas desecrated by this militia, which will be the heralds of the coming victory which is fast approaching.

We express our tribute, appreciation and respect to the Sudanese armed forces, leaders and individuals, who waged this brutal war and fought valiantly until the final victory became a matter of time only, filled with the blood of martyrs who fell as martyrs. these battles in cities and states for the sake of the pride and dignity of this nation.

These fierce battles waged by the armed forces and the forces supporting them against the Rapid Support Militia and its mercenaries will remain immortal in people's minds for many years and cannot be erased from memory, and the present generation will narrate them to future generations .

History will tell for generations the firmness of the armed forces in the face of this militia supported by several major countries. It became a subject of questioning and admiration for many political leaders and military experts in various parts of the world who expected its complete collapse. army in a week, but the leadership of the Sudanese armed forces, the security and intelligence services, the National Security and Intelligence Service and the police and popular resistance forces have great skills in military planning and tactics, which contributed to the defeat of this heavily armed militia equipped with advanced equipment. This achievement will become a reference taught in military colleges and institutes.

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