The Sudanese is dear, free and jealous. He sent to the world his message of strict rejection and strong objection to the injustice of the small state ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


++ Thousands of free Sudanese came out yesterday in thunderous demonstrations in the streets of New York, outraged and denouncing the policy of oppression of the Zionist state of the Emirates against the Sudanese people…

++ Eyal Zayed's government has been increasing pressure on the Sudanese people since 2018, using all illegal methods to derail the dream of stability enjoyed by our beloved country.

++ He started a violent economic war while flooding the market with printing of our national currency without media coverage, and then plundered all our mineral wealth of gold and uranium for nothing in return. Finally, he controlled the economic decision while being excessive. buy the claims of all economic institutions that have influence and leverage over it…

++ He has fueled a political war and is launching a so-called revolution against the strongest national government that Sudan has known since independence until today, after having succeeded in demonizing its symbols and transforming them into demons to the eyes of the public. Public opinion discovered, with the bitter disappointment that had befallen it, after it was too late, that it had neglected its stability, its security, its peace, its wealth and its interests. The sustainability of the Salvation Government, with its departure, everything had disappeared – the citizens' money, their security, their dreams, their homes, even their lives and their honor, became a subject of negotiation…

++ This has triggered between them a social war and a deaf and blind conflict whose flames will not subside and whose fire will not be extinguished, it is discord, distance, hatred, obscenity and the lack of acceptance from the world. others because of the speech of hatred and fanaticism that remained the speech of all state officials after the end of the rescue, none of them came out to speak to the people. The division and fragmentation is such that, until now, none of them has come out and spoken to the people. a single official stood up to tell the Sudanese: “Achieve a common word, unite our word and unite our ranks.”

++ Until now, the dominant official discourse among these extremists is the anomalous phrase ((their anomaly)) that power sharing is one state among all ((except the Islamists)) because the Zionist Emirates know that not participating and isolating the Islamists fulfills his desire for Sudan to remain a theater of conflict and polarization. The intense and repulsive tension…

++ He has unleashed a vast and relentless media war, and he controls the satellite channels, forcing the emergence of frivolous and treacherous fools who express their vision that the country remains plundered by the Janjaweed, with a clear slogan: (( No to war) ) until he brings them back to power so they can grow stronger and then attack innocent citizens again. They continue their plan of murder, pillage, captivity, burning of villages, capture of men and rape of women…

++ Then he launched a hideous and odious diplomatic war, buying decision-making positions in institutions supposed to protect states and express the aspirations of people…

++The African Union has purchased this corrupt entity, which is largely acting to condemn and pressure our armed forces to submit and accept negotiations with the murderer and usurper of the Sudanese people, the plunderer of his riches and the destroyer of his abilities…

++The presidency of the UN Security Council was bought and the topic of discussion of the condemnation of the State of the United Arab Emirates was removed from a session that had previously been scheduled for this topic…

++ But we have forgotten that the will of the Sudanese people is incapable of being broken or defeated, capable of action, initiative, initiative and commitment…

++ Then there was the roaring flood of tens of thousands of people who gathered in front of the White House, denouncing the devil of the Arabs, painting a dark picture of the most evil of the Pharaohs, tyrannical and oppressive, become a burden on his State and its people the day he transformed it into something hateful, odious and insignificant, despised by millions and despised by the peoples, and palms raised for the powerful, vengeful, to show them a dark day in this vile state…

++ The New York protests are the beginning of a powerful spark that will besiege all world leaders. They hear the injustice of an innocent people who have been attacked by a small state in execution of the directives of its Zionist masters of which it dreams. dismantle this country in a debunked plan to eliminate Arab national security after it was confirmed that Sudan's wealth would be optimally exploited by the richest Arab nation and its powers…

++ The spark started in New York, and tomorrow it's Paris, London and Turkey. Let the devil of the Arabs wait and wait. We wait with him…

++ Oh my God, show us in them the wonders of your ability, O Lord…

*Omar Capo*

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