The Sudanese people: Aware and know their adversary well – Kabuya – ✍️ Omar Kabu

++ The war for dignity and pride is not an innovation. All wars are about widespread evil, death, blood, destruction and body parts, rather there are certain things that seem to be in the interest of nations and societies, so to speak. is correct and the description is true, regardless of their magnitude and comparison with the negative effects of war, depression and the violations it produces…

++ The first positive effect of the war on the Sudanese people is that they became aware of the value and greatness of the homeland. He experienced the ordeal of migration and saw the distress of the people as they showed their distress, obvious discontent and extreme discontent. the influx of Sudanese towards them. This made the Sudanese people feel the value of their presence in their homeland, living there as honorable, generous and free without any restrictions, abuses or security measures that limit their movements and restrict their residence. .

++ What is even more important is that the Sudanese people have recognized their true adversary, transcending the deception of flashy slogans and “plasticized” phrases that have been used to incite the people, falsify his will and direct it to the service of a specific supporter. and the political agenda…

++ The clearest model that explains where we want to go is that the Dagalo family's “democracy” and its dwarf drought ((God honor the listeners)) ended in rape, pillage, betrayal , employment, wickedness, triviality and mercenary…

++ The day before yesterday, Wednesday, world public opinion was shocked to see Hemedti's democracy burning down all the institutions located on Nile Street from the Al-Fateh Tower (Coronthia), the Grand Hotel, the museum and the rest of neighboring government institutions. as part of a systematic plan to erase national memory and return Sudan to the Middle Ages., A homeland without memory, without reference, without sources, without impact, without heritage…

++ I burned everything, and no dog of drought dared to condemn these fires or revolt against the Sudan Museum or its infrastructures which were destroyed intentionally and with premeditation and premeditation, as did at the same time the Parliament of Canada hastening to announce its official condemnation of the Janjaweed, Arabs of the diaspora, and its solidarity and support for the Free Patriotic Army…

++ It is the same Sudanese people who saw the broad movement of Islamists fighting the enemy in the front ranks and ransoming the great nation, a group of its sons and members, the pious and pure, martyrs of God, true martyrs, pure and pious martyrs who sold themselves to God, Lord of the worlds, in the hope of a paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious…

++ Look at the movement in the broad sense, its presence is the essential, true and most striking support of our armed forces, providing material, media, political, social and moral support in its battle against the Arabs of the diaspora, the slaves from The Children of Zayed…

++ At a time when ignorant bastards like Hamdok, Salak and Maryam strive to condemn our armed forces by all means without the slightest concern for pure national interest…

++ They are doing this to achieve two goals: the first is to collect the price from the UAE state after selling them their honor, chivalry and patriotism without shame or embarrassment…

The second is to denounce their ignorance towards their Islamist opponents and to work to exclude them from political life, even if the price to pay is a militia composed of foreigners, most of whom are Arabs from the diaspora. , marching towards Sudan from Chad and the Central African Republic. , Niger, Mali and Senegal…

++ Yes, the Qahata support the Janjaweed against the forces of the Sudanese people under the pretext that the army is the army of ((Al-Kizan)) Is there more stupidity, misery, unhappiness, triviality or humility than that??? !!!

++ The stupidity they have reaped is nothing but mirage, failure, disgrace and popular discontent which has transformed into a wave of anger which threatens their lives and condemns them to a long period of exile, at least ten years for come. It will be difficult for any of them to return to Khartoum, otherwise their fate will be burning and ((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((( ((((( ))) And suspended…

++The will of the Sudanese people has taken flight and decreed that there is no place for any of Qahta's atrocities in the land of Sudan, even if the government forgives him or takes necessary action against him. .

++ I was pleased with the great support and the call for the Islamists to start the battle to rehabilitate Khartoum and return it to its original state. “Their groups” interacted with the campaign of construction and reconstruction of what was destroyed by the war launched by the Islamists. youth of the Islamic movement, targeting all areas liberated by the army…

++ The return of thousands of young people from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and South Sudan to contribute to this project confirms that Sudan has no real organization to support it in its other fate that the Islamists…

++ They chose the field as the scene of events; one hand carries the rifle and one hand builds and rebuilds what the militias destroyed, leaving the Sudanese people the right and freedom to compare and choose…

++ Qaht and his militia ((Bye Bye))000 are overshadowed

*++ Army, machine..*

*++ Security, army..*

*++Innocent, O Messenger of God..*

*Omar Capo*

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