The Sudanese people will remain patient, determined and stationed under the command of their armed forces until the brutal militia is eliminated ✍️ Nidal Othman

This group that betrayed the homeland and became dependent workers of the countries that support the militias does not represent 1% of the population.

Sudan will remain a united, cohesive and sovereign state despite the militias and their supporters

The Sudanese army will not submit to the blackmail of infected peace platforms. It will fight alongside the people until this cancer is eliminated.

The Sudanese army is committed to the results of Jeddah and the late Hemedti, if he wants peace, must adhere to them.

The Sudanese people will continue to support their army in the media, militarily and politically, and we will not accept fair solutions.

El Fasher will remain an authentic part of Sudan, with its history and its people, and the army will not give up an inch of its territory.

Sudanese patriots must be led by mature bodies calling for the greatest national unity in support of the armed forces

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