The Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue… and the Constitutional Conference – beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*Political and civil forces did not learn lessons from the pain and disasters of the war and continued to repeat the same (allegations) which resulted in failure.*

*The Constitutional Conference is the only available mechanism that allows all Sudanese to participate in determining the fate of their country*,

*Sudanese groups working to develop initiative on how to bring Sudanese parties to the table in Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue*

*Ending the war requires home front unity based on a program that determines the fate of the rapid support militia*

A year or more has passed since the Rapid Support Militia War, that war that wiped out everything that was green and dry and in which the militia subjected the Sudanese people to unprecedented types of torment and crimes , killings, displacement, ethnic cleansing, occupation. civilian property and homes of citizens, theft and looting of furniture, homes and markets, rape, sexual violence, arrests and displacements, a harsh experience that the Sudanese people have lived through and whose chapters however, continue, political and civil. The forces failed to agree on the description of the war and to understand its regional and international dimensions, and they could not agree on a vision through which we can contribute to ending to war, reconstruction and the resumption of the political process.

These political and civil forces did not learn lessons from the suffering and disasters of the war, they continued to repeat the same (allegations) and adhere to misleading narratives about those who started the war. This is a war to restore democratic transformation, and sometimes it does. a war against the remnants and the state of 1956, confirming day by day that it is less and less capable of being inspired by a vision that expresses the desires and aspirations of the Sudanese people, or of feeling the enormous suffering caused by war and its economic and social consequences, as well as the disintegration of the social fabric.

These forces have not learned the lessons of their failed experiences and their unlimited capacity to squander the gains of the Sudanese people during the glorious December Revolution. The coup d'état of October 25 thus turned the page and attempted to repeat the miserable scenario. By reestablishing the partnership with the military through the framework agreement, the war was an alternative to the framework, and after the outbreak of war in April. On December 5, 2023, a stage closed, and yet nothing has changed. These forces have not yet understood that the end of the war requires the unity of the home front based on a program that specifies the fate of the rapid support militia, and support for the militia. the Sudanese army in fulfilling its constitutional duty to protect the country and preserve its sovereignty, all this can only be achieved through a Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, with Sudanese leaders endowed with wisdom, courage , independence and integrity, leading to respect for the Constitution. conference in the presence of all the Sudanese people, to agree on controversial issues and immediately begin to announce the establishment of the Preparatory Committee of the Constitutional Conference with the participation of representatives of the members of the Conference to determine the time, the place and which in itself marks the end of the war and the beginning of the political process with the participation of all without exclusion, and a declaration that the Sudanese people are determined to create their future. In itself, this conference is the only mechanism available. which allows the participation of all Sudanese civilians and soldiers, indigenous administrations and Sufi orders. It is also the only mechanism in which all issues can be brought to the table, including agreeing on a permanent constitution, holding elections and forming a transitional government. specific tasks and agree on a council of elders composed of leaders of political parties, leaders of civil administrations, Sufi orders and regular forces, responsible for approving temporary legislation.

There are Sudanese groups that have been working for some time to formulate a vision and an initiative on how to (seat) the Sudanese parties at the table of Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, and there is no difference between them that prevents the unification of their efforts into one. mechanism, especially since they agree on the agenda of dialogue, and informing the author of these lines, regarding the movements that these groups undertake with the political and civil forces, and all the components of the Sudanese people, I must say that there is a good thing. opportunity and has a chance of success despite international crossovers and regional interventions. We hope that it is not too late for the expected initiative. The task is difficult and but it is possible, not impossible.

May 6, 2024 AD

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