The sweet autumn is clear! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Gedaref's autumn seems to be sweet and good this season, and perhaps his news was yesterday. The feet and the thorns were promising, and they walked on the ground of the courtyard of the correctional city of Al-Barr, and with them was the. icon of the decent executive apparatus, the Director General of the Ministry of Finance and the feet of the Secretary of Zakat Diwan. It was sweet and blessed in the courtyard of Gedaref prison for 36 disadvantaged families. years, some of whom spent two years and others three or four years in prison. Yesterday, 36 inmates were released from Gedaref prison. The Zakat Office has implemented this great value which manifests itself with brilliance and work, which only fools could achieve. (close) his eyes with his two fingers and feel comfortable with the will to deny Who has tolerance and appreciation in his heart,

It was truly a superb painting. Although the program was improvised and rushed due to the circumstances of Eid, Mawlana Al-Barir, the prison director, and the debtors' committee of the Zakat office organized this program within 48 hours. Painting, characterized by unique and unprecedented human beauty and value, overshadowed this improvisation and the effort expended. His sweat was fragrant, sincere and perfumed the space of the celebration hall.

The amount approved by the Secretary of Zakat Diwan, which amounts to 101,336,112 pounds, the cost of releasing 36 inmates, is considered the largest number released since the construction of this prison, and it is this was revealed by the director of Gedaref Prison, Colonel Faisal Abdel Bari, who had a happy face during this great event and smiled until the mullet almost fell off his head, excited and moving.

The occasion was of great cost but of great significance. 36 families will be overwhelmed with smiles and joy when they welcome their father, who was in prison for several years. Those who have been liberated express their body language as if they were created. again, they undoubtedly include the farmers who will take up farming this season and who will produce their crops and provide the state with good and abundant revenue. The opportunity contains great reward, and those who work hard for it do not know its value. …except God Almighty. For every step, movement, sound and effort is a good deed, and a good deed is rewarded ten times more.

From my platform, I look… where I see…. Autumn showed good news to Qadrouf Saad, mercy and compassion for an important part of this society that needs to be taken care of. Praise be to the state governor who sponsored and the head of the Zakat office who supervised, monitored and. paid, and to the committee that organized this program legally, legally and procedurally. Thanks to the media of the Zakat Office, who gave me this opportunity by writing this living impulse of vocabulary and sentences that exude joy and gratitude.

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