The team is safe, preferable, this speech does not resemble you 2 ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

Despite my personal bitterness towards the former National Security and Intelligence Service, the current Intelligence Service, whose bitterness I have tasted because of the continuous arrest campaigns to which I have been subjected on several occasions.

However, I overcame the pettiness, forgot the bitterness and continued to defend this security system from a patriotic point of view.

My firm belief is that the General Intelligence Service plays a major national role that many people are unaware of, due to the private and secret nature of its work.

The General Intelligence Service has been the subject of organized and systematic campaigns aimed at breaking its power and making it appear to public opinion as a criminal and a murderer.

The agency's nails were cut and its role was limited only to collecting information, analyzing it and submitting it to senior leaders. So, the agency withdrew and practiced the virtue of beautiful silence.

The amendments which were made to certain articles of the law on the General Intelligence Service, by which the agency was given carte blanche to arrest, search and question, and these amendments at that time were absolutely necessitated by extreme necessity, and the country is experiencing exceptional circumstances. circumstances resulting from the war which the country is witnessing.

What really scares and worries me after the release of the agency and the restoration of its powers and authorities is that it will be a sword hanging around people's necks and will take us back to square one in mistreating journalists, persecuting them, gagging their mouths and restricting them. .

Mr. Lieutenant General of Security Ahmed Ibrahim Mufaddal, Director General of the General Intelligence Service, what happened in the case of the martyr Ahmed Al-Khair, who died under torture in your detention centers, and the sentences to death have been pronounced against your employees who caused this crime????

Some journalist colleagues advised me not to write about the General Intelligence Service out of fear and concern for myself, and they said: “Oh, you are happy with yourself and you risk your life, and you make your children orphans away from people. security, which is best for you. » I responded to them by saying that life and livelihood are in God's hands, and that death is the same whether it happens in the future, in security detention centers or elsewhere.

The General Intelligence Service brandishes the slogan of transparency and clarity, and its doors and offices are open to all. The doors of the Director General of the General Intelligence Service, Lieutenant General Ahmed Ibrahim Mufaddal, are open to everyone, but unfortunately, they are. are limited to a specific group of journalists close to the agency who implement its lines according to precise directives.

The classification of journalists by the General Intelligence Service is shameful and totally unacceptable, and the use of the policy of cucumbers, newborns, sons of the white massarin and the selection of paralytic women has harmed the country until now. that we have arrived where we are now).

My criticism of the General Intelligence Service comes from my concern for its status and the nobility of its mission, and to support and accompany it in order to develop its performance and not to face its old mentality which has tarnished its reputation among local and foreign audiences. notice.

Mr. Security Lieutenant General Ahmed Ibrahim Mufaddal, Director General of the General Intelligence Service, you are faced with a truly exceptional step which requires you to act completely differently and to be at the same distance from everyone, due to the confidentiality of the old security institution. that God intended you to be at the forefront.

Mr. Lieutenant General Ahmed Ibrahim Mufaddal, Director General of the General Intelligence Service, you do not belong to a tribe, a sect or a political party. You belong to the Sudanese people from whom you were born, raised and nourished. their lands and lived off their wealth. We want you to be a role model in everything.

Mr. Lieutenant General Ahmed Ibrahim Mufaddal, Director General of the General Intelligence Service, I inform you that I am still in Sudan, I have not sought refuge in any capital of an Arab or African country and I still carry the Sudanese passport , Who. It is an honor for me to hold this position. I preferred to stay in Sudan despite the tempting opportunities offered to me by many heads of state.

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