The terrorist state: impudence, stupidity and insolence… A letter in Ruwaibidah's mail in fulfillment of a promise… ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


++ At the recent Bahrain summit, which was numbered ((33)), the Arab League made its historic decision considering that any support for rebel militias parallel to our national army amounts to supporting terrorism and must stop immediately. ..

++The decision was unanimously approved by all countries that voted in favor of it, with the exception of the Zionist state of the Emirates, which announced its reservations about it, justifying its despicable position by claiming that the development of the situation in Sudan requires delay. in the evaluation…

++ This position represents a strong statement on its part of support, support and support for the terrorist militia and clearly proves that this mini-state created by Zionism has clearly defined its position of material and moral support to the Janjaweed without the least reserve of impudence, stupidity, pharaohism and strange tyranny closer to madness and imbecility than to any other characteristic…

++ This irrational position confirms what was reported in the Sudan newspaper regarding the accusations he had submitted to the United Nations and which awaits a decision at the end of this month…

++ We do not rely much on the institutions of the United Nations to provide justice to our great people in all the brutal crimes and atrocities committed by the criminal militias supported by the small Zionist state of the Emirates, only because these institutions are nothing other than colonial weapons established to enslave, humiliate, terrorize and intimidate the Arab leaders and peoples and third world countries, who began to feel… The need to break with this international tutelage, this colonialism, this exploitation and this humiliation…

++ We count on the global conscience of the peoples who started an uprising against injustice and insolence, as happened in American and European universities, and their students declared their categorical rejection of the policy of murder , terrorism and barbarity that Israel has practiced against the children of Gaza and Palestine…

++ We count on the alignment of our people behind our armed forces, a symbol of steadfastness, pride and steadfastness, as they wage the battle of dignity and pride with rare courage, captivating pride and magnificence. by humiliations that undermine their dreams. They have become bandits, pillaging and stealing in a despicable and despicable way that is in the nature of their humble countries which threw them into the holocaust of Sudan, where the worst fate awaits them…

++ What has happened on the beloved island over the past two days heralds a terrible popular uprising against the enemy, and popular resistance is fiercely entering a new, fiercer phase as it confronts the enemy with courage and sacrifice, without fear of death, but rather accepting it with an open heart, as happened in the village of Al-Takina, whose heroic men stood up to the rebels without fear of death. death or fear…

++ The Sudanese people will continue their sacred march, alongside their regular forces, to purify this good land from the filth of criminal militias, obediently praying to God to show them a dark day among the leaders of the Zionist aggressor. statelet of the Emirates. He is confident in his command that God Almighty answers the prayers of those who oppress and oppress them. God doesn't like abusers…

Note: I promised to reply to you this Friday, but I saw that you are more unhappy than what I am writing to you on this blessed Friday. So, wait for me next Saturday, God willing.

Omar Capo

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