The Theory of (Needle Piercing)… and When Did God Win? – Paths – Mahfouz Abdine

Piercing with a needle is a phrase launched by the Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and it is a message that carried many contents and messages. Perhaps the first message is that of the Sudanese army. The forces are old forces and have accumulated their own experiences, and they do not rush like the insect commonly called… (Abu Al-Daqiq) When this insect sees a light or a ray of light, it rushes towards it, without caring and without looking at any danger that threatens it, whether it is in front of it, behind it, or waiting for it at the source of this light or ray. And as the general public sees, how these insects run. around light bulbs in homes and more.

Many people may call this behavior “madness,” that is, rushing toward a goal without realizing the danger.

Perhaps the enemy's plan was based on this theory, the theory of the insect (the flour bull), which was to lead the army to (places of) light so that it would meet its death more quickly than that insect known as (the flour bulb), because if it meets its death, it does not remain as it is, but turns into earth, like (the Flour). Perhaps this is where the name comes from.

This phrase was launched by Al-Burhan, digging with a needle, and has become a term for many people in implementing policies because it does not allow achieving goals without looking at the consequences of things. This theory, if it is correct. , could be called a theory based on certain experiences and concepts derived from those invasions that the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, carried out, or from those wars fought by the caliphs after him.

The theory of drilling with a needle, as we mentioned, does not mean achieving goals without looking at the consequences. Perhaps the scene that is seen in this case, which is the scene of the companions of the battle of Uhud, as they left their positions in the mountain, what the leader, who is the greatest military commander in the world, emphasized is that this statement is true, otherwise they left their positions, regardless of the developments of the battle. The companions left their positions considering that the battle was over and went to collect the spoils, exposing (the backs of) their brothers. The enemy, who was then led by Khalid bin Al-Walid, turned around again and surrounded their position and brought the battle to an advanced point after those who left their positions in the mountain thought that the battle was over.

The theory or policy of drilling with a needle is based on not rushing or heading towards the target without looking at the threatening danger, as the flour bug does, or as these companions did with the Farq and they rushed to leave their positions, thinking that the battle was over and victory was achieved.

The theory of digging with a needle is based on patience, long-lasting patience and great trust in God. The Sudanese people must be patient and trust in God and the armed forces, because no matter how long the war lasts, victory will come.

The author of these lines and others are from the Sudanese people who are eager to achieve victory, and this may be human nature, but in any case, they are no better than the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his distinguished companions, and the meaning of the verse may indicate that (And the Messenger and those who believe with him say: When is the victory of God).

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