The three no's of proof: No negotiations, 000, no peace, 000, no ceasefire…. ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo

Sudanese people: Excessive admiration and joy…
++ Al-Burhan has finally discovered the magic recipe that stirs the conscience of the Sudanese people and puts them at ease…
++ Finally, Al-Burhan was guided to the key of the Sudanese character, which is tough, strong-willed, refuses injustice, refuses humiliation and is proud of its jihadist heritage against greedy invaders, stubborn to break, hates l slavery and tyranny, and finds it easy to die, crush and destroy in order to defend one's pride, dignity and pride. A nation of glory, pride and leadership…
++ He was too late, sometimes coming closer and sometimes moving further away, to follow his path towards his highest goal and his highest goal, below which all goals are…
++ His ultimate goal is to crush those who humiliated him, raped his women, expelled him from his homes, plundered his wealth, destroyed his pride, and around him are displaced refugee families demanding relief. help from a small country like Bahrain, which a contemptible mini-status covets the triviality, wickedness and humility of the Emirates, and a humiliated servant lurking in the misery of Chad!!!!!
++ Here he is, yesterday, announcing to the public his historic speech, which expressed for every Sudanese home, and for every free citizen jealous of his religion, his country, his honor, his money and his children, that: ( (No negotiation, no peace, no ceasefire, people will either win, or they will finish, or they will leave this country) )000
++ The volume of the voices of its mobilized forces, with extreme enthusiasm and joy, means that the Sudanese people and the members of our steadfast and patient armed forces are united in their words and their vision is united on the need for completely eliminate atrocities. Janjaweed militias, either by crushing it completely, or by leaving the country and returning to Chad, Niger, Mali, the Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Syria, each according to the countries to which they belong, Sudan was invaded…
++ With this speech, Al-Burhan completely closed the door to any attempt to interfere in Sudan's internal affairs, which is considered a real step in restoring the prestige, sovereignty and pride of Sudan. State, truly lost. with the departure of the rescue and the arrival of the traitorous agent Hamdok, which opened the door to his death for the devil Volcker and his international mission which worked hard to fragment the home front, driving a wedge between the political parties, preventing any attempt at rapprochement between them, so the war was…
++ With this speech, Sudan put an end to attempts to interfere in its internal affairs and opened a wide door for a solution ((Sudanese – Sudanese)) initiatives from within which confirm that the Sudanese people possess the wisdom , the insight, the ability, the principle, and the determination to achieve a peaceful solution that will restore the stability of the country after the evacuation of the greedy invaders from the Arab diaspora…
++ These strong statements by Al-Burhan were preceded by an important step, namely the government's announcement of its intentional approach to the necessary and important openness towards Russia, which means an imminent rapprochement with the China, Turkey, Qatar and Iran, which actually brought the relationship with us closer and provided us with aircraft and drones that made the difference and strengthened our offensive capabilities and tipped the balance of battle in our favor…
++ In today's news, Russia and China announced their support and support for the Sudanese army without any preconditions that would diminish the prestige, majesty and sovereignty of the state or transform our country into a humiliated satellite state, as it wishes, and this is what the American administration is doing, which in recent hours has received a passionate response from Al-Burhan and his deputy, Aqar.. .
++ It is true that some think that Al-Burhan is hesitant. He will not continue this line for long and will be exposed to strong pressure from America and its allies, but what is more accurate is the two steps mentioned above. , both in the statement and in the direction, confirm that the man is moving towards the end of the stage with a new will and firm determination after having read the political arena well and seeing that there is no the only thing that preserves the cohesion of its interior. front, strengthens its combat power and increases its capabilities, it is the option to fight and continue “the battle” while clinging to and getting closer to the Russian-Chinese-Iranian-Qatari-Turkish axis. ..
++ Al-Burhan's speech yesterday represented the Sudanese people and restored some of their lost pride, and affirmed the ability of our armed forces to maneuver that does not deprive us of our pride, does not take away our our glory and do not take away our pride. deprive ourselves of the pleasure of looking at our long history as a people feared by all and for whom a thousand stories are told…
++ Al-Burhan's speech and that of his deputy Aqar are a good start to restore Sudan to its prestigious and respected position as an independent country, proud of its dignity and rejecting humiliation, humiliation and (the despair)…
++ Al-Burhan's speech represents me completely, because I am only a man of my people who hates the intruder, the tyrannical, the colonialist…
++But just…
Omar Capo