The three nos of the governor, the Nile. Education does not wait, development does not stop and war can only be stopped with victory ✍️ Raja Al-Noubri

Nile State has become the gateway to Sudan, or mini-Sudan, as some of its inhabitants like to call it, and its safety and protection valve against the geographic north of Nile State. Khartoum, which has seven major localities. is still the oppressor of the Janjaweed and the source of their terrorism and destabilization, and still is.
Since the outbreak of war on April 15 between the armed forces and the rebel Rapid Support militia, this fortress has become a refuge and destination for all Sudanese, including expatriates and displaced people, fleeing the war and its aftermath. . The plagues, as well as the violations of the rebel militias against them, in every place or city where their dirty feet set foot, were devastated. The first “no” was obtained under the slogan “Education does not wait”. , it didn't wait
It ended yesterday
War for educational dignity
Placing pens and writing final letters for Sudanese certificate students for deferred batch for the year (2023) inside and outside Sudan.
To deliver the slogan of education
I can't wait for the lot (2024)
Who will start in three
In a few months
Falaa Educational Dignity had its soldiers and its leaders, its ministers of education and its directors
Managers, teachers and
Teachers, all security services, civilian leaders, and with the determination and will of the invincible Sudanese people, who support their armed forces and rally around them, realize the slogan “Education does not wait” has been one of the biggest challenges and achieving this is thanks to the Governor of Nile State, Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi, and the concerted efforts of his government through the Executive Directors to achieve this.
Who determined the path of education and fired the fatal bullet into the chest of rebellion and confronted it with the weapon of science and education.
By opening schools and universities several months after the outbreak of war, it was the first and foremost mandate ever.
Safest States in Sudan to Implement and Take Intermediate Certificate Examinations for Students
Which made it a destination for all displaced people and war arrivals.
Dangerous States
Thanks to education, a future is built
The country.
As for the second sign, development does not stop. This was the most important challenge for the Bedouins, and this was because systematic war against Sudan was the goal.
Destruction and disruption of the economy and its infrastructure
The wheel of development and construction
But the governor and his troopers of executives, economists and other development experts have proven otherwise. The state's seven localities have merged
It opened its doors to development
And the location of national capital and its support for facilitation
I have taken steps to open and implement new vital development and investment projects and to increase local production for self-sufficiency and also for Sudanese exports in the near future, God willing, I I also worked to attract foreign investment.
And creating a working climate favorable to investment, the best proof of this is the completion and organization of all preparations.
To launch the Economic Investment Forum
The first after the war at the end of this month
The third oath is that of victory by supporting the armed forces, the regular forces and the popular resistance in the defeat of the rebel militias on the battlefields and in the liberation and cleaning of the country's cities of their filth. This was achieved thanks to the strength and determination of the men and the planning of the conduct of the battles.
Yes, no war was won except by victory, and victory comes only from God, and victory lasts only an hour, and only a few days remain, and the bells of joy and announcement rings.
The end of the War of Dignity and his person returns to the arms of his dear homeland.
The Nile State gave birth to the peoples
And the tribes united
Adversity and scattered to protect him
There's pride in every gap
It is a state the size of a nation
Three no votes were pronounced by the Governor of Nile State, Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abu Qarun, which he announced during Flag Day in February 2024, the celebrations of which took place in the localities of Shendi and of Al-Matama, raining down the alliance, promise and wish which were fulfilled with success and fulfillment.
The “lam” or “la” in the Arabic language, as we have studied it, means prohibition or negation, but Al-Badawi’s “no” violated the law of language through the scourge of emphasis. .
Yes, no, affirmation, despite the challenges of the scene and the difficult circumstances that the country is going through because of the rebel militia war and the deliberate sabotage and disruption it has caused to stop the wheels of life, including including public. security, food security, education and health, by demolishing the economy and the infrastructure of its institutions and erasing the Sudanese identity and replacing it with another.
The biggest challenge was to face it with strength and real will.