The tragedy of Al Jazeera: a voice from the heart of pain – Chapter of the speech – ✍️ Othman Al-Balula
Sad days are being experienced by family and relatives in the villages of (Al-Sariha, Azraq and Al-Hilaliya) in the state of Al-Jazeera Al-Khadra, following the brutal attack launched by the terrorist Al-Dagalo Militia against defenseless civilians. A fierce campaign of revenge during which all kinds of humiliations and humiliations were used against our generous people in the villages of the east, north and center of the island, under the watchful eye of humanitarian institutions and human rights of the international community throughout the world. It has been proven to us beyond a shadow of a doubt that the hands of these institutions are stained with the blood of innocents in the wounded state of Jazeera, as a result of their turning a blind eye to their violations and humiliation of civilians.
The Janjaweed (Shameless/Taqaddum) component, dressed in fake civilian costumes, participates in this campaign of revenge and continues to reach out through the umbilical cord of the Al-Daglo terrorist militia, removing all ambiguity and consolidating its hold . by creating positions in the corridors of international institutions concerned with the protection of civilians, by describing the reality as if it were a conflict between military institutions only, and that civilians have no connection with what is happening. pass.
All this so as not to condemn it, ban it, include it on international sanctions lists or treat it as a terrorist organization. All this is confronted by the group of Forces of Freedom and Change, which has poisoned the international atmosphere and made it see Sudan and its plight only from their angle infected by the disease of work and mercenarism.