The tragedy of war and corruption cartels – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, lawyer

The rebellion has entered Sinja and tightened its grip…

High prices are crushing and sadness is spreading…

The scene became complicated, and there seemed to be unanswered questions…

Warning signs of hunger appear in sunken eyes…

He who does not die from weapons dies of hunger…

At a time when people wish for death rather than humiliation…

The abandonment of cities, villages and a sore throat…

The rain has exacerbated the suffering and the space…

Living among stagnant water and mosquitoes…

High prices in the middle of the country, moans, tears and pain…

The dollar, with its mouth open, devoured the pound and laughed…

We heard Yasser Al-Atta speak to us with bitterness…

He said that the rebellion holds the reins of our institutions…

He disturbs her, directs her towards darkness and chaos…

The big capitalists are having fun, making fun…

The central governor sits cross-legged…

I'm waiting for relief from the sky but it's not raining…

How does it rain? There are things, under the grass..

The fall of the pound painted a dark sign, it rose

Evidence of incapacity leading to insanity…

Your enemy in the economy can kill you…

Death/flight/shelter shortage/illness/high prices…

The pound deficit is the current theatre…

That's the title, the comedy can't miss it…

Silence explains what happens to us/the piles of pain…

Five million children and malnutrition…

The journey to escape the mirage, the unknown, continues…

Bury the piece of your liver in the ground by licking it and then crying…

People are running out of patience, and they say the next one will be better.

The seasons of pain lengthen, the days increase and are lost…

The ages are fading away and some people are still pointing fingers…

Some people talk to us about betrayal and keep silent…

Fear spreads with the pain of the years…

Disability is something that leads to fainting…

The winds of disappointment scatter ashes in the eyes…

Tigers almost die of grief and sorrow…

Who is leading the battle for the collapse of the economy?…

The price is our health, our nerves, our lives…

The governor must remain, because the country is a free kingdom…

He gets his incentives here and there, but there is no movement…

The big cats keep panting and panting…

They hoard illicit money by exploiting crises…

Amazingly ridiculous and excessive gentlemen…

The island's governor has ordered markets to be monitored…

By not increasing prices and increasing production accordingly

According to established standards…

The island has been engulfed by rebellion and the governor orders…

The vast majority of them have a miserable face…

So Al-Habashi's visit raises a thousand questions…

Daglo's visit to Juba raises a thousand question marks…

Al-Burhan, Bin Zayed and millions of questions…

And Al-Atta's questioning words on the table…

This is happening, and we are between the hammer of war…

And the anvil of high prices, death, hunger, disease…

The pound sterling has suffered a fatal blow…

Dirty flies are present in the Administrative Capital…

He corrupts and tightens his grip on Al-Halaqim…

Eliminating the loser and executing the manipulator is a duty…

Stopping corruption cartels is an imposition…

Monitor speculation on the parallel market…

Prosecute corrupt people who took advantage of the situation…

And the mafia that destroyed the state remains indifferent…

The gold mafia is in vain, there is no return to support the state…

The fuel mafia has imposed a crisis reality…

He who blames us will die of rage and sorrow…

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