The Turkish initiative…hidden fear and obsessions about what is expected – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen
The Turkish initiative for peace in Sudan, whose meetings actually began on Saturday in the administrative capital of Port Sudan, between the Sudanese “Burhan” and the Turkish “Burhan”. This initiative began to sow some fear and cause concern in people's minds. the Sudanese, especially those who have pens and who always report the events. And its developments in the analytical picture (anatomy) so that the reader who follows these analyzes understands what is hidden behind this initiative for the good of Sudan and its people, or is it a lifeline. for countries? The aggressor, led by the UAE, is one of those international crimes that have been proven by conclusive evidence and clear evidence that the UAE is the one financing (financially) and (logistically) the war in Sudan in order to to achieve the objectives they have set. were apparently known to some, although they were hidden and only those who intended to know knew about them. Now the only thing that has emerged from the conspiracy iceberg is material ambitions for Sudanese wealth.
This group of media and politicians asked no questions: why is the UAE spending all this money and all these weapons, why is it recruiting and buying neighboring countries, and how much did it pay in return? international silence regarding the terrible crimes. committed against Sudan, the homeland and humanity.
We must ask ourselves the question and answer it by probing the depths and seeking the reasons behind the signs.
If this answer is found by media analysts, politicians and diplomats, perhaps we will find solutions that will satisfy the Sudanese people, and not like those solutions that were reported in the media about the Turkish initiative like if it was a lifeline for the Emirates, the main financier of the war in Sudan.
Turkey is not as “naive” as analysts suggest, and its initiative cannot depend on two points of (stopping) support for the militia before (withdrawing) the complaint from the UN table .
Although many initiatives had the same understanding, they differed, notably on the Palestinian issue (land) in exchange for (peace).
Turkey cannot move with its international weight with this understanding, because it was in an intermediate zone between Russia and Europe when the Ukrainian war broke out, because Turkish wisdom was present in maintaining the movement in regional and international waters to cross Ukraine's wheat food chains. to African countries, and with this and other actions, Turkey has earned the respect of the world.
Turkey, which has one of the best intelligence agencies in the world, cannot accept this vision of being the lifeline of the UAE, with all the evidence and evidence against it. The United Arab Emirates itself is accused, among other things, of being behind the coup attempt. took place in Türkiye, and it was canceled and thwarted by President Tayyip Recep Erdogan with two words addressed to the Turkish people.
I believe, according to my understanding, that if the Turkish initiative is not in the interest of Sudan, it will certainly not be in the interest of the Emirates, and this is reality and logic.