The two slides of the great river and the congestion of rainwater and torrents ✍️ Absher Shajarabi

The asphalt road coming from Al-Matama Bridge in the West Bank, which passes through several villages, including Sial Karim Al-Din or Al-Sial Al-Kabir, and even Al-Siniya, from where it branches north to Al-Damir and south to Omdurman.

This road is considered a national road and a highway.

In the torrent area, two slides were built. It would have been better if it were a bridge for the passage of rainwater and torrents that come from the high areas below and flow into the Nile. It is said that the torrent does not abandon its path. This vital road has been closed several times due to floods of water that stop because of the farm protection equipment or the meter that has been approved for one of the investor farmers and this is his right.

But what is the role of the technical authorities who have cleaned up the torrent? Which has become a threat to the tree and the Arfiyya area despite the territorial protection.

With the rains and the flow of torrents, the water choking on the towpaths caused great suffering to the owners of small and large vehicles, tourist vehicles and tuk-tuks, and sometimes they broke down inside the towpaths, as I have pointed out. The road became a national road and the heavy traffic increased after the war and the closure of the Shindi Bahri Challenge Road, which we hope will soon be opened with the help of the armed forces.

So that citizens are not harmed by the demolition of their houses due to the backflow of water, and the owner of the farm is not harmed by the inability of the water from the slides to flow away or penetrate and drown his crops and by the fear of drowning of children.

We hope that the specialized agencies of the municipal unit of Matma will treat the water by pumping the water or opening a path for the water to flow towards the Nile.

Another threat is the flow of water and the formation of swamps for the breeding of flies and mosquitoes, not to mention the spread of certain diseases, may God protect you, such as cholera and eye diseases.

We hope to remedy this through the combined efforts of all.

The proverb says: “The unfortunate sees in himself, and the happy sees in his brother.”

We will come back

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