The United Arab Emirates, under the cover of the Red Crescent, supports the militias – it's no secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babakir Al-Makabrabi

The Zionist United Arab Emirates continues to support the terrorist militias of Al-Dagalo under the cover of the Emirates Red Crescent.

The International Committee of the Red Cross has revealed that it has conducted an international investigation into the UAE’s establishment of the Umm Jars hospital in Chad and its use to deliver weapons and drones to the Al-Daglo terrorist militia under the auspices of the Red Cross. Sources confirmed that these unethical practices by the UAE have sparked outrage and concern within the Red Cross and Red Crescent Union, according to Tommaso Della, spokesman for the Red Cross. Cross, in his statements.

The New York Times reported that it had learned from the press that the Emirates Red Crescent had established a hospital in Umm Jars, Chad. It added that it was the Emirates Red Crescent, funded by the Abu Dhabi government, that had not informed the International Federation as was customary.

UAE government propaganda showed workers scattering shipping pallets and treating the sick and wounded of the Al-Dagalo terrorist militia under the Red Crescent emblem, which has been historically known since the 1870s and is protected by the Geneva Conventions, the spokesman said. He added that the misuse of this symbol constitutes a real war crime. The International Committee of the Red Cross fears that its reputation will be tarnished by the UAE's practices.

Organizations Embarrassed by UAE Government's Unethical Practices

While the hospital is tasked with treating Sudanese refugees, the United Arab Emirates has taken advantage of the name of the Emirati Red Crescent to send logistical support to Sudanese militias, which is certainly prolonging the war.

At the same time, humanitarian organizations feel embarrassed and angry with the UAE in particular because of its violations and accuse it of conducting a fake aid operation to hide its support for the Rapid Support Forces in Sudan, said Jeremy Konyndyk, head of the International Refugee Organization and a former official in the administration of former President Obama.

For our part, we call on the Sudanese government to take immediate action through Sudanese diplomacy and to file cases condemning the United Arab Emirates.

In their support for the militias and providing them with specific weapons to exterminate the Sudanese people, we repeat, we must accelerate the movement of files condemning the United Arab Emirates and denouncing them before the world for these practices that are deduced from their dishonorable record at the level of the countries that interfered in their internal affairs. It is known that the Zionist United Arab Emirates has never entered an Arab country unless it reduced it to destruction and devastation, and this is their destiny, as well as that of the leaders of the Zionist Emirates. What must be known is that the great people of Sudan are not like all the peoples who have harmed their security, and that they are the hand of Israel that works in response to its demand to plunder the wealth of Sudan and exploit it in the greed of its resources. .

Sudanese Armed Forces are Sudan's safety valve

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