The United Nations..Search for an alternative – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

Before the world order after the two world wars and the creation of what was the League of Nations, then the Council of Nations, and the establishment of the systems, laws, regulations, clauses and chapters that govern the work of this cosmic body first, so that it can work on the organization of the affairs of countries, the world before was based on what the people of the jungle and the inhabitants of the forest rested on, animals fighting among themselves so that the strong eat or expel the weak…

This situation was practiced by the population groups and the kings and princes of the different regions and tribes before the world was organized and arranged in its new form, where the powerful tribe and group overpowered the weaker tribes to seize land and money, take women captive, and capture men without there being any deterrent or response at that time other than seeking the strength of another group, tribe, or tribal alliance.

This reality returns today and is embodied in what Sudan is experiencing and living, where news has been arriving since the beginning of this war about the arrival of armed groups from areas outside the borders of Sudan, with the support of some tribes and countries, from near and far, and the declared intention is to seize land and resources, displace the indigenous population, capture men and captivate women!!

All the local and foreign news and reports were talking about the coming or bringing of these groups to occupy the territory of a member state of the so-called UN, which follows and learns about all this through its devices and weapons planted everywhere, but for known reasons, it ignores that it has a role to play in this situation and that it is working to protect this full-fledged state in accordance with the Basic Law.

This organization, which has not been able and confirms every day its inability to protect the member states, is the same organization that is now considering taking a decision to ban flights over Sudanese skies, with false statements carried and transported to the buildings of this institution by Sudanese agents who said that the warplanes were bombing civilians!!!

This institution, listening to the ignorant even in their organizations and societal components, seeks to impose a ban on Sudanese military flights and completely ignores what the Israeli air force is doing to the Palestinians!!

Has this organization not heard that Israeli warplanes are deliberately bombing safe villages and towns in Palestine with the intention of forcibly displacing them?

Didn't you know that Israeli warplanes are bombing refugee camps, hospitals and even those of the Palestinian people who are crying for help?

Can this organization and these Sudanese agents show a single still or moving image of what the Sudanese air force has done that is identical, similar or even close to what the Israeli air force does every day, even every hour, and which is shown on the screens at every moment???

This system is no longer necessary and has no importance or value in maintaining international peace and security, and it has no value in preserving human rights for which councils and committees have been created and for which the money of these countries is spent, but these are committees and councils with broken balances…

The continuation of this organization in ignoring the violations and transgressions of some countries and cross-border groups on the borders and lands of Sudan without taking a serious position and putting an end to these transgressions will tempt other groups, with the help of countries, kingdoms and tribes, to invade lands and countries and cross known and known international borders in order to seize and settle and thus change the world map every day with the knowledge of this paralyzed organization…

The wars, disasters and violations that the world is witnessing today would not have happened if this organization had worked in accordance with its charter and carried out everything that was asked of it with impartiality and transparency, in accordance with the vision of its founders. Because of this flaw and this flaw in the management of this organization that is on the verge of collapse, it is the whole world that is at fault, with the world at the forefront. The Arab countries, the Islamic countries and the African countries. The continent is looking for a new international gathering whose concern is to extend justice, to render justice to the weak, to repel any aggressor and to preserve the security, peace and stability of countries and peoples…

May God help everyone

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