The US envoy… and they were surprised – what is behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*The American envoy's bag is empty, containing neither dates from the Levant nor grapes from Yemen*

*US error assumes UAE is present in Geneva to ensure implementation of what was agreed*

*If America wanted to stop the war, it would have done so with a telephone conversation*

*Can Mr Berlio provide a written commitment to bind the UAE to any agreement that may be reached?*

No one believes that the US envoy to Sudan, Tom Brillio, and his recent statements have not surprised observers of Sudanese affairs, especially those who follow US policy towards Sudan, especially the repeated US apologies for their presence at the podium in Jeddah, and considering that the continuation of the negotiations depends on the willingness (of both parties) and their failure and refusal to exert any pressure on the militia to fulfill its obligations under the agreement, or at least to draw its attention to the serious violations committed against civilians, or its targeting of hospitals and service centers, and the siege, starvation and daily bombing of the city of El Fasher, causing the death of hundreds of women and children and the displacement of thousands of people, and its mobilization of mercenaries for further attacks in the coming days.

(Suddenly) Berlio found out that (the Sudanese do not want any political role for Rapid Support in the future), and he said (we support this), and (suddenly) the US envoy learned that (Rapid Support has a history of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Darfur), and that (there is no future for Rapid Support in Sudan and the army is an institution with a history in Sudan), and that (the Swiss negotiations will differ from the Jeddah platform, including the presence of means to ensure the implementation of the agreement with the participation of the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, the African Union and IGAD), and that the presence of the United Arab Emirates to ensure the implementation of the agreement,

It is not surprising that the Americans have made concessions in terms of acquiescence to Sudan's demands to engage in a dialogue that anticipates differences with the American administration, nor that it is belatedly discovered that the army commander is the same as the head of the Sovereignty Council. What is surprising is that the American envoy thinks that this trick will succeed.

Mr. Berlio knows that President Biden will respond to the Foreign Affairs Committee of Congress after three weeks, based on the Magnitsky Act, and the possibility that he will issue an executive order to punish the Rapid Support Militia, punish it and classify it as a Rapid Support Militia terrorist group, and therefore it will be impossible for him to contact him personally or invite him to the Geneva platform or any other platform, knowing full well that the rest of President Biden's administration is not enough to accomplish his mission,

The US administration is in a hurry to recognize the elections as an external success to cover up its failure in the war in Ukraine and its total inability to manage the Israeli war against Gaza and the release of American (hostages) held by Hamas. America also senses the strategic risks it will face if Sudan moves east and signs an agreement with Russia or China that gives them privileges on the Red Sea.

Sudan will not take the (small precaution) of pushing through any agreement to the detriment of its higher interests, and it will not allow itself to be led to negotiate Geneva with its eyes closed, so much so that the proverb applies to it (neither the dates of the Levant nor the grapes of Yemen), especially after the armed conflicts within the ranks of the militia and the loosening of control over it, with a high probability that it or its groups will not adhere to any agreement, even if the United Arab Emirates wanted it to,

America wants a deal. Any deal is broadcast on television, and it doesn't matter whether it's implemented or not.

Perillo knows that the Emirates are the primary sponsor of the militia, and without Emirati support in arms and money, the war would have stopped in its early days. He knows that Sudan has filed a complaint against the Emirates. at the UN Security Council, how can it accept its participation in the negotiations as an observer or in any capacity? Forcing the UAE to agree to the agreement is not done by sitting at the table in Geneva, but rather in a closed room between America and the UAE. If America had wanted to stop the war, it would have done so in a telephone conversation. does not require the UAE to participate at the Geneva tribune, but America needs to be shown a television image. Can the American voter, Mr. Berlio, reveal the leaders of the Rapid Support militia with whom he has communicated? Can he commit in writing to commit the UAE to respect any agreement that may be reached? Mr. Berlio, you may have missed the train.

August 6, 2024 AD

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