The war on drugs is crueler than the army's war against the rapid support militia ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The mafia and drug traffickers have taken advantage of the fluid security situation in the country following the war between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Militia, which entered the second year.

The mafia and drug traffickers have expanded their activities by recruiting unemployed youth to buy and sell drugs of all kinds, and unfortunately they have succeeded.

The prolongation of the war and the state of despair and frustration among young people contributed for the first time to the spread of drugs in an alarming and frightening manner.

The orientation of the security system and all its units towards war has opened wide the door to expand the scope of distribution, purchases and transactions smoothly and without fear of the eye of censorship.

The war on drugs is in no way less dangerous than the combat war on the battlefield, but it exceeds it because it is a continuous war, without stopping, without negotiations or ceasefires.

Weak religious faith and inability of parents to monitor their children's every move and stay are also among the main reasons for the spread of drugs.

Tomorrow, June 26, will be World Drug Day, a golden opportunity to shed light on the danger of drugs and think about ways to combat it using new means and methods.

Awareness, understanding and education about the dangers of drugs are among the most important and effective ways to reduce the risk of the spread of drugs.

The worrying spread of drugs in some areas of Port Sudan these days has spread fear and terror among families and has become their main concern.

The Red Sea State Anti-Narcotics Police has done a great job in seizing a large number of drugs and bringing them to justice, which has imposed the harshest penalties on criminals. However, unfortunately, this force was transferred from the Red Sea State Anti-Narcotics Police to various other departments, which has caused a major collapse in performance.

The Director of the General Administration of the Anti-Narcotics Police is urgently required to return this force, composed of 5 individuals, led by an officer with the rank of Captain, who was transferred to the Community Police (formerly Public Order) , in order to ensure the best possible recovery.

Drugs are a boring nightmare and a painful alarm bell whose danger is known only to those who are close to them (the embers burn the private parts) is enough to know the seriousness of this deadly scourge.

Oh my God, I have delivered the message, oh my God, so be witness

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