The War Will Continue – Whale Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*The war will not stop in Sudan unless there is a real will to stop it from the Sudanese people. The war will not stop as long as voices are raised until this moment to repeat with parrot who fired the first bullet and who did it. the main reason for the war, knowing that all components of the Sudanese people are part of the outbreak. This war, and the current war, is nothing but a summary of a political conflict with military tools. Therefore, the war will continue, in blood. will continue to spread, the killings and rapes will continue, and the circle of the cursed war will expand to cover the rest of the states of Sudan, transforming their inhabitants into displaced persons and refugees. Everyone will be equal in suffering, displacement, desire, refugees. hunger, homelessness, poverty and disease, and the Sudanese people will become a Stone Age people living in the third millennium*.

*The war in Sudan will not stop until everyone is convinced of the need to have a homeland that welcomes everyone without exclusion and without a vision of superiority. The war will not stop until citizenship is the basis of rights and duties and belonging to Sudan. The Sudanese homeland is deeper than belonging to the tribe, region and region, and the Sudanese citizen derives his value from what he offers to his country and society and does not rely on his family history. The war will not stop until the names are known. families that believe they were created to rule and control the fate of the Sudanese people will disappear. The war will not stop until the children of the Imam and the children of my master are equal to the children of the fedayat and the servants and the children. all components of the Sudanese people and there is no preference between them, one of them is against any citizen in the geographical area of ​​Sudan, if there remains a geographical area for Sudan*.

*The war in Sudan will not stop unless the agents and traitors, the thieves of the revolution, the sellers of the dreams of the youth, the sowers of hatred between the components of the Sudanese people and the division of the components of the Sudanese people into coyzans, shameless remnants, flanqiyats, kandakas, shifata, rasats and sanats, until they reach the total conviction and firm certainty that the Sudanese people are a single fabric and a single entity that must rise above all partisan and sectarian and sectarian conflicts. The war in Sudan will continue and will last at least between five and seven years because the Sudanese do not want to come to a serious end to the war, even those who raise the slogan “No to war.” ” increase it to achieve cheap political goals Nothing but*.

*The war will not stop in Sudan unless there are sincere intentions and leaders who strive to declare the cessation of war without resorting to mediation or mediators. The war will continue as long as a group occupies the homes of citizens. They steal and plunder their property, and the matter will not be resolved as long as the owners of the homes reside in camps for displaced persons and refugees. It is occupied by a group that believes it has liberated it by force of arms. and it will be a war without values, without ideals, without morals and without title, until those who support it realize their interests in Sudan. At that time, the Sudanese people will realize one fact: they have been exploited in Sudan. in the worst possible way by handling the oars. In a senseless war, at that time, tears are of no use and regrets are of no use*.

Half a fork

*The war in Sudan will continue until the devastation that hit Khartoum spreads to all cities in Sudan. The war will continue until Sudan turns into rubble and the Sudanese turn into victims, dead, body parts, displaced people, refugees and diaspora between countries. This war will not stop unless the Sudanese feel the value of peace, security and comfort.*

A quarter of a fork

*The war will not stop until the demons remain silent and those who raise the slogan “No to war” remain silent until the collective voice of reason of the Sudanese people prevails.*

(email protected)

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